Rendili Hyperworks

The canon roleplaying sourcebook Dawn of Rebellion established that Rendili StarDrive was the manufacturer of the Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvette, which was dubbed the Hammerhead-class corvette. However, the Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles established that it was Corellian Engineering Corporation. Since the encyclopedia is more recent and is not a roleplaying sourcebook, this article assumes that the encyclopedia contains the factual information.

Dawn of Rebellion stated that centuries before the age of the Empire, Rendili Hyperworks designed a starship that eventually inspired the design of Rendili StarDrive's Hammerhead-class corvette used by the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Behind the scenes

The canon roleplaying sourcebook Dawn of Rebellion established that Rendili StarDrive was the manufacturer of the Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvette, which was dubbed the Hammerhead-class corvette. However, the Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles established that it was Corellian Engineering Corporation. Since the encyclopedia is more recent and is not a roleplaying sourcebook, this article assumes that the encyclopedia contains the factual information.

Dawn of Rebellion stated that centuries before the age of the Empire, Rendili Hyperworks designed a starship that eventually inspired the design of Rendili StarDrive's Hammerhead-class corvette used by the Alliance to Restore the Republic.


  • Dawn of Rebellion
  • Starships and Speeders



