Riley (Chiggnash)

In 19 BBY, Riley acted on a tip from Pacithhip docking bay attendant Shnozitskigante-maximilliana in an attempt to rob the incognito Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi on Nar Shaddaa. Supported by fellow Chiggnash Banda and a trio each of mind-controlled Gamorrean sows, Kyuzo go-zeki, and rabid frog-dogs, a squib tensor rifle-armed Riley cornered the Jedi in one of the moon's back alleys. Refusing to give in, Kenobi drew his lightsaber and slew the frog-dogs, before the Chiggnash and their warrior drones were set upon by a pair of Dark Jedi. Banda and Riley were dismembered and disarmed by former Jensaarai Mei, who killed the Chiggnash as they begged for mercy.

Riley appeared in the short story "Lone Wolf: A Tale of Obi-Wan and Luke" by Abel G. Peña. Along with that of Banda, Riley's name forms an anagram of "Brian Daley," creator of the Chiggnash.

Behind the scenes

Riley appeared in the short story "Lone Wolf: A Tale of Obi-Wan and Luke" by Abel G. Peña. Along with that of Banda, Riley's name forms an anagram of "Brian Daley," creator of the Chiggnash.



