Rodor Keen was a human male who served as the Galactic Republic head of operations aboard the Starlight Beacon space station. He worked alongside Jedi Master Estala Maru, though the two's similarly hands-on natures led to tension between them. Administrator Velko Jahen was posted as Keen's aide, arriving on the station in the aftermath of the Great Hyperspace Disaster and the Emergences.
Rodor Keen was created for the Star Wars: The High Republic publishing initiative, first being indirectly mentioned in the live launch event for the project on January 4, 2021. He later appeared in the comic The High Republic (2021) 1, written by Cavan Scott, penciled by Ario Anindito, and published by Marvel Comics on January 6. The name "Rodor Keen" was given in the Star Wars Insider short story "Starlight: First Duty," also by Scott, though the name was not connected to the character depicted in the comic until the release of The High Republic 1 Behind-the-Scenes Exclusive on April 7, 2021, which provided identification for Keen in The High Republic 1's script. The script, however, spelled his name as "Rodor Kenn."
Rodor Keen was created for the Star Wars: The High Republic publishing initiative, first being indirectly mentioned in the live launch event for the project on January 4, 2021. He later appeared in the comic The High Republic (2021) 1, written by Cavan Scott, penciled by Ario Anindito, and published by Marvel Comics on January 6. The name "Rodor Keen" was given in the Star Wars Insider short story "Starlight: First Duty," also by Scott, though the name was not connected to the character depicted in the comic until the release of The High Republic 1 Behind-the-Scenes Exclusive on April 7, 2021, which provided identification for Keen in The High Republic 1's script. The script, however, spelled his name as "Rodor Kenn."
- The High Republic 1 Behind-the-Scenes Exclusive
- Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia