Myri Antilles is disguised as a purple-skinned humanoid while undercover aboard a vessel, run by a suspected criminal named Oobolo, for Galactic Alliance Security. However, when she runs into her father, Wedge, he informs her that Oobolo's people will figure out about what she's doing. That turns out to be the case after a while when an investigation aboard Oobolo's ship on his behalf forces Wedge and Myri to escape to lifepods. They make it off the ship, but Wedge's lifepod is crippled, forcing Myri to save his life even as Oobolo's vessel is trying to shoot them out of existence in the midst of a battle against a Galactic Alliance ship that has arrived for the Antilles members. Myri and Wedge make it aboard safe while Oobolo escapes, but the Galactic Alliance has a lead on him now. The story ends with Myri and Wedge celebrating in victory.
Myri Antilles is disguised as a purple-skinned humanoid while undercover aboard a vessel, run by a suspected criminal named Oobolo, for Galactic Alliance Security. However, when she runs into her father, Wedge, he informs her that Oobolo's people will figure out about what she's doing. That turns out to be the case after a while when an investigation aboard Oobolo's ship on his behalf forces Wedge and Myri to escape to lifepods. They make it off the ship, but Wedge's lifepod is crippled, forcing Myri to save his life even as Oobolo's vessel is trying to shoot them out of existence in the midst of a battle against a Galactic Alliance ship that has arrived for the Antilles members. Myri and Wedge make it aboard safe while Oobolo escapes, but the Galactic Alliance has a lead on him now. The story ends with Myri and Wedge celebrating in victory.