Rouge Beauty Company

The Rouge Beauty Company was a beauty establishment based on the planet Coruscant that sold various products such as bantha grease and olive oil. In 200 BBY, while inspecting the estate of President Jamie Brasson on the planet Begamor, Jedi Padawan Sean visited the kitchen of the Latero head chef Marino Pomana. While in the kitchen he deduced that since the Rouge Beauty Company had never exported products to Begamor, nor other planets in the vicinity, two-thirds of the Rouge Beauty Company products in Pomana's kitchen were fake and instead made by the local business Opera Trade.

The Rouge Beauty Company was mentioned in the 2020 Chinese web-novel, The Vow of Silver Dawn, written by "His Majesty the King." In the novel, the company's name was written with the Simplified Chinese characters, "脂美集团."

Behind the scenes

The Rouge Beauty Company was mentioned in the 2020 Chinese web-novel, The Vow of Silver Dawn, written by "His Majesty the King." In the novel, the company's name was written with the Simplified Chinese characters, "脂美集团."



