Royal Archives of Naboo, Vol. 2453

The Royal Archives of Naboo, Vol. 2453 was a document that contained former Palace Guard Pars Varqom's personal memoirs of the Invasion of Naboo and its aftermath.

Jason Fry, writer of The Essential Guide to Warfare, eventually cut any mentioning of the Royal Archives of Naboo in the final product. The character was later made canonical (but now within Star Wars Legends) in the blog post Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare: Author's Cut, Part 6 — Showdown at Naboo.

Behind the scenes

Jason Fry, writer of The Essential Guide to Warfare, eventually cut any mentioning of the Royal Archives of Naboo in the final product. The character was later made canonical (but now within Star Wars Legends) in the blog post Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare: Author's Cut, Part 6 — Showdown at Naboo.
