Ryleel Imperial Base


Ryleel Imperial Base, also known as just Ryleel Base, was a base operated by the Galactic Empire on the Colonies planet Carida. It was made up of multiple buildings and a landing area for starships like Lambda-class T-4a shuttles. Among the buildings were an infirmary and a repair room.


Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, Beilert Valance, a cyborg mercenary working for the Sith Lord Darth Vader under blackmail, received repairs to his cybernetics at Ryleel Base after rescuing seventeen Imperial engineers from a sabotage attack by a Crimson Dawn mole. The engineers were meanwhile tended to at the infirmary nearby. Imperial Lieutenant Jyala Haydenn visited Valance and commended his heroic actions to save the engineers, taking him to the seventeen injured Imperials.

While the engineers crowded Valance and thanked him, Haydenn was informed by an Imperial officer that a loved ones of Valance's, who's safety assurance was being used to blackmail the cyborg, was suspected to have been killed in an Imperial attack. Haydenn told the officer that the information stayed between the pair of them in order to ensure Valance's loyalty.

Around 4 ABY, a class of Imperial cadets at the Imperial Naval Academy on Carida was comandeered by the Imperial Navy for its war effort. The top two ranking cadets, Bansu Ro and Rac Syrmo, were requested by the Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing and took a Lambda-class shuttle from Ryleel Base to meet with their new squadron.

Behind the scenes

Ryleel Base first appeared in the fourth issue of the Star Wars: TIE Fighter comic series, written by Jody Houser, penciled by Rogê Antônio and Ig Guara, and published by Marvel Comics on July 17, 2019. It was then identified as Ryleel Imperial Base when it reappeared in the twenty-fifth issue of the Star Wars: Bounty Hunters comic series, written by Ethan Sacks, pencilled by Paolo Villanelli, and published by Marvel Comics on July 13, 2022. While not confirmed by TIE Fighter 4, Wookieepedia assumed Ryleel Base to be on Carida upon the creation of the former subjects page in 2020, a detail that was later canonically confirmed by Bounty Hunters 25.









