The SE4 stood at 1.6 meters tall and was built according to a basic humanoid frame. On the lining of the left index finger, the SE4 was fitted with a taste bud, and the sensor was more sensitive than that of a Human.
Aside of being good cooks, SE4 droids were equipped with very limited translator circuits containing about one hundred languages.
The SE4 was an old model but it could be upgraded with the newest dishes and banquet customs, so the SE4 line would never really become 'outdated'.
The SE4 series had a market cost of 2,600 credits new, 1,300 credits used.
An SE4 servant droid named R02-E was employed by Drayk in the Dim-U monastery on Tatooine.
The taste bud is placed in the left finger in The Essential Guide to Droids, but Arms & Equipment Guide states that it's inside the right finger.
- The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook
- Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley
- Dark Force Rising Sourcebook
- The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook, Second Edition
- Flashpoint! Brak Sector
- The DarkStryder Campaign
- The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook
- Cynabar's Fantastic Technology: Droids
- Rules of Engagement: The Rebel SpecForce Handbook
- The Essential Guide to Droids
- The Official Star Wars Fact File9
- Arms & Equipment Guide
- The Official Star Wars Fact File68
- The New Essential Guide to Droids
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- Suns of Fortune