

During the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, the human male stormtrooper designated "SP-113" served in the 97th Legion in the local Imperial garrison at the underground cavern city of Pinyumb, the capital of the Outer Rim volcanic mining and manufacturing planet Sullust. 113 was an older member of the legion, and the stormtrooper Thara Nyende, designated "SP-475," was told that 113 was one of the clone commandos that founded the Stormtrooper Corps.

In 3 ABY, the Sullustan resistance, a rebel cell led by the Sullustan Nien Nunb, was active in Pinyumb and made a sabotage attack on the Inyusu Tor mineral processing facility, which was located north of Pinyumb up the Inyusu Tor volcanic peak. Raids and lockdowns followed in Pinyumb, and the Imperial Security Bureau soon flagged the VCX-150 freighter Keepsake as property of the Sullustan resistance. Twelve stormtroopers, led by 113 were tasked with boarding and investigating the Keepsake, which was docked in the Pinyumb spaceport. Others in the squad included SP-475 and SP-156.


SP-113 donned the standard armor of a stormtrooper, including a helmet equipped with night vision and a comm. He was also equipped with his own rifle.

Behind the scenes

SP-113 appeared in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, written by Alexander Freed. Freed wrote the novel with the one of his intentions being to dehumanize aspects of the Imperial hierarchy with the way they treated stormtroopers like SP-113. He chose to convey their treatment under the Empire being having them only be referred to by their operating numbers, which he viewed as similar to that of clone troopers.






