

When the ship was attacked, Salen and his crew were trapped in the engineering deck with the rest of the engineering crew. A group was attempting to repel the Mandalorian and Imperial invaders, and Salen's subordinate Vepp suggested a reactor reset to disable the security locks. Salen told Vepp that a reactor reset would have vented the engineering compartment and blown the engineering crew into space. Salen then suggested that the spacers reroute the power generators instead of depressurizing the engineering section. Believing they had no time to spare, Ambassador Vyn Asara urged the defenders to reset the reactor to override the lockdown. The spacers decided that they couldn't send the crew to their deaths when there was an alternative. Salen later told First Officer Haken of what had transpired.

Behind the scenes

Salen was created for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game released by BioWare on December 20, 2011. He appears in the Republic Flashpoint Esseles. If players choose the dark side option to vent the engineering compartment and send the engineers to their deaths, Haken will be displeased.



