San'sii "the Kursk" was a male Human who became the leader of the Force-using organization known as the Blackguard on the planet Mustafar during the Galactic Civil War. During his time as leader he recruited many non-Force-sensitive individuals into the Blackguard, which went against Blackguard tradition. He along with a large portion of the Blackguard were killed by spacers during the .
San'sii was a Force-sensitive Human male who joined the Force-using organization known as the Blackguard prior to or during the Galactic Civil War. He rose to become the leader of the group, a position known as the Kursk, and became one of its strongest members. Whilst head of the group he felt that the cult was too small, and introduced a new rule allowing non-Force-sensitive individuals to join to boost numbers. This broke tradition running back to the founding of the group after the Seventh Battle of Ruusan by the Dark Jedi Vulta Daanat. The new troops quickly filled out the Blackguard's ranks and soon became the most visible part of the faction, leading many who encountered the group to believe they were simply a paramilitary organization rather than a Force-using cult.
In 1 ABY a Sullustan archaeologist named Mi Fon Lu wished to research within the Southern Jedi Ruins in which the Blackguard made their home. However, fearing for his safety amongst the Blackguard, he hired spacers to clear out the ruins. San'sii was killed along with the rest of the Blackguard in the ruins during what became known as the .
San'sii used a red-bladed lightsaber in combat as did most members of the Blackguard. However instead of the normal Blackguard masked uniform, San'sii wore the Cloak of the Kursk, a unique robe worn only by the leader of the Blackguard. After his death, the cloak was taken by the spacers who killed him.
San'sii first appeared as an enemy in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars Galaxies as part of the Trials of Obi-Wan expansion released in 2005. Star Wars Galaxies was shut down on December 15, 2011. In the game he appeared as an elite enemy whom players had to kill as part of the quest "An Archaeologists Problem." He later received a card in the Agents of Deception expansion of the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game released in 2009. San'sii was also mentioned as the most recent leader of the Blackguard in the Wizards of the Coast Saga Edition Roleplaying game supplement book the Jedi Academy Training Manual, which also established that he introduced the policy of recruiting non-Force sensitives into the Blackguard.
- Jedi Academy Training Manual