Santigo Milon was a male human who lived on the planet Coruscant during the reign of the Galactic Empire. Originally from the planet Alderaan, his family lived on Level 3204 of Coruscant.
Following the destruction of Alderaan, Level 3204 denizens rioted, leading to Imperial stormtroopers arresting or relocating Alderaanians. Santigo and his sister Anandra Milon fled their home in order to escape arrest, traveling to several other levels of Coruscant in search of help. He and Anandra eventually ended up on Level 1997, where Anandra was offered a job by a Pau'an criminal but turned it down as it would mean leaving Santigo alone. The arrival of Imperials then drove the pair down to Level 1996, where Anandra told Santigo to keep running while she held off a stormtrooper. The pair reunited after a Herglic criminal killed the trooper for Anandra, and then made their way to Level 1782 on the Herglic's advice. There they found a small hidden , which they joined.