Sanyassan (language)

Sanyassan was the native language of the Sanyassans, a reptilian species from Sanyassa IV. It featured growls, guttural snarls, and shrieks. Most Sanyassans were fluent in both Sanyassan language and Basic, but only literate in their own language. The Nightsister Charal also learnt this language after she joined with the Sanyassan Marauders of Endor, a group of pillagers led by King Terak. According to Sergeant Pfilbee Jhorn of the Galactic Empire, the Sanyassan language was written using a hieroglyphic system.

Behind the scenes

The Sanyassan language was heard in several scenes from the 1985 made-for-TV film Ewoks: The Battle for Endor, notably during a discussion between King Terak and the Nightsister Charal. According to the movie credits, the Sanyassan dialogues were created by Mari Mine-Rutka.





