Second New Plympto resistance

The second New Plympto resistance was the Nosaurian resistance against the forces of the Galactic Empire occupying New Plympto during the Imperial Period. The movement began in 1 BBY, as the Nosaurians rebelled against Imperial enslavement, the razing of cities, and the seizure of assets on their homeworld.

General Fefar Blackeye rose up as the resistance's spiritual and martial leader, and his forces harassed Imperial targets in a two-year campaign of guerrilla strikes. Nevertheless, at some point in 1 ABY, Blackeye found himself surrounded by Imperial forces. They waited him out, and at sundown, he was overcome by his species' innate urge to bray at the setting sun. This inopportune song told the Imperial forces where to find him, and Blackeye was captured.

Blackeye was shipped out to Coruscant, where he was put on display at a zoo, caged with a group of non-sentient primates. He killed himself after six months in such conditions. Meanwhile, back on New Plympto, the resistance fell apart without its leader.

