
The Seelas were those Aramandi who rejected the new interpretation of the Eeronon. For much of Aramandi history, they believed that they were the only intelligent beings in the galaxy, a belief that was reinforced by their interpretation of the Eeronon. When they made first contact with scouts from the Lant Mining Corporation, the Aramandi suffered a social and religious crisis attempting to reconcile these new facts with their sacred texts. Scholars and priests eventually declared that the previous interpretation was flawed and that the Eeronon had always told of the existence of otherworlders. However, until now, they did not have the proper knowledge to understand it. When the new interpretation of the Eeronon was announced, some Aramandi rejected the new version of the Eeronon and denounced it as lies. The most disgruntle became the "Seelas," meaning the "rejectors." They distanced themselves from Aramandi society, moving to the uninhabited areas of the Aramand system and then out into the Aramand Cluster altogether when religious persecution increased. Eventually, the Seelas made it out into the rest of the Brak sector and beyond. Seelas rarely returned to the Aramand Cluster, and when they did they were treated as outcasts.
