A fair representative of a "typical" caravel, the Seltiss-1 was a roomy shuttle generally used to transport Hutts from Nal Hutta to Nar Shaddaa - though some were used to patrol worlds on which their owners maintained a strong presence.
Like most caravels, the Seltiss-1 tended to lack a hyperdrive, had concealed weapons, and included a detachable room that served as an escape pod, with each caravel having its own unique appearance; though the Ubrikkian models tended to emulate the shape of sail barges.
Ultimately the Seltiss-1 was measured thirty meters in length and was able to carry sixty-five passengers and one hundred and fifty metric tons of cargo. The crew complement numbered five, including up to three gunners, who were in command of the vessel's four turbolaser cannons, a concussion missile launcher and a tractor beam projector.
It was succeeded by the Seltiss-2 model, also produced by Ubrikkian.
A fair representative of a "typical" caravel, the Seltiss-1 was a roomy shuttle generally used to transport Hutts from Nal Hutta to Nar Shaddaa - though some were used to patrol worlds on which their owners maintained a strong presence.
Like most caravels, the Seltiss-1 tended to lack a hyperdrive, had concealed weapons, and included a detachable room that served as an escape pod, with each caravel having its own unique appearance; though the Ubrikkian models tended to emulate the shape of sail barges.
Ultimately the Seltiss-1 was measured thirty meters in length and was able to carry sixty-five passengers and one hundred and fifty metric tons of cargo. The crew complement numbered five, including up to three gunners, who were in command of the vessel's four turbolaser cannons, a concussion missile launcher and a tractor beam projector.
It was succeeded by the Seltiss-2 model, also produced by Ubrikkian.