The Confederacy of Independent Systems utilized command centers during the Clone Wars. Typically staffed by B1-series battle droids, and in numerable cases, a T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid or an organic overseer, they were disc-shaped platforms inlaid with computer consoles, and were supported by four thick and arching fang-like limbs, which cumulated in stabilizing flaps spreading outwards, and bore opposing boarding ramps on two sides.
A Separatist command center was established in the city of Nabat during the Battle of Ryloth. TX-20 commanded the droid forces of the city from the center. However, the battle droids were ultimately defeated by the clone troopers of Ghost Company under the command of Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi. TX-20 had the chance to kill Kenobi, but, after briefly hesitating by gloating in his victory, the tactical droid was overwhelmed by the Twi'leks of Nabat, which he had used as living shields.
Later in the Battle of Ryloth, an OOM command battle droid commanded Separatist forces, including Armored Assault Tanks, from a Separatist command center. The droid ordered for its tanks to fire on incoming All Terrain Tactical Enforcers, under the command of Jedi General Mace Windu, but Windu and Lightning Squadron pushed forward against enemy fire. The OOM command battle droid ordered for all fire to be focused on Windu's force, but the tanks failed and, along with the battle droids, were destroyed.
The C-9979 landing craft's walled outposts deployed on Maridun and Felucia each housed a single Separatist command center. Both were staffed by B1 battle droids as with the command center on Lola Sayu, which was additionally personally attended to by Warden Osi Sobeck during the battle there, and the command centers on Ryloth.