Seswenna Expansion


The Seswenna Expansion connected the Dustig, Grumani, Seswenna and Mayagil sectors. This hyperspace route began at Malastare, passed through Darkknell and Seswenna, and ended at Clak'dor VII. It intersected the Dustig Trace at Malastare, the Duros Space Run at Darkknell, and the Rimma Trade Route at Clak'dor VII.


The Seswenna Expansion was charted between 3701 BBY and 3699 BBY by the Neimoidian scouts Thoax Osaax and Farge Osaax, while their rival Freia Kallea was stranded on the planet Nuvar. The Neimoidians charted the route from Malastare and reached the Rimma Trade Route at Clak'dor VII, south of Eriadu.

The Seswenna Expansion would eventually be integrated into a super-hyperroute known as the Hydian Way. However, over time, many traders traveling down the Hydian Way chose to deviate from the route in favor of the loop known as the Eriadu Bypass, and by 1004 BBY, the Hydian Way had shifted to run through Eriadu instead of Seswenna.


  • The Essential Atlas
