
Set was created by Tim Veekhoven, writing as "Sompeetalay," for the character Maxiron Agolerga's Databank entry via the What's The Story? Hyperspace feature on The entry was written in February 2007 and published in early 2008. The eternal lovers' motif was borrowed from a famous work of J. R. R. Tolkien entitled The Tale of Beren and Lúthien, which details the romance between a mortal man named Beren and an Elf-maiden named Lúthien. Veekhoven named Set after the Egyptian god Set.

Behind the scenes

Set was created by Tim Veekhoven, writing as "Sompeetalay," for the character Maxiron Agolerga's Databank entry via the What's The Story? Hyperspace feature on The entry was written in February 2007 and published in early 2008. The eternal lovers' motif was borrowed from a famous work of J. R. R. Tolkien entitled The Tale of Beren and Lúthien, which details the romance between a mortal man named Beren and an Elf-maiden named Lúthien. Veekhoven named Set after the Egyptian god Set.


  • The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. III
