Shipbreaker's Cough

Shipbreaker's Cough was a medical condition that the father of the human Tivoche Bilure developed while they lived in a working-class neighbourhood in Coronet City on the planet Corellia. The city had large amounts of soot in the air and was known for its shipyards. Not wanting to develop the disease like his father, Bilure left Corellia, later writing about the cough's effect on his decision in a book.

Shipbreaker's Cough was first mentioned in the 2018 replica journal Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor, which was written by Jason Fry.

Behind the scenes

Shipbreaker's Cough was first mentioned in the 2018 replica journal Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor, which was written by Jason Fry.


  • Solo: A Star Wars Story: Tales from Vandor
