Shuttle two was a Rho-class transport shuttle stationed at the Imperial doonium refinery on the planet Ryloth shortly after its occupation by the Galactic Empire. The attack shuttle was stolen by the Twi'lek Hera Syndulla and the clone Omega in order to disable the cannons at the refinery so that Omega's fellow members of the Bad Batch could attack the refinery; the attack was intended to distract Imperial forces away from the capital city of Lessu to allow Hera's parents, the freedom fighters Cham and Eleni, to be rescued. After firing upon the refinery and shutting down its power, Hera and Omega rescued the astromech droid C1-10P, who had made a previous unsuccessful attempt to deactivate the defenses. Hera piloted the shuttle away from the refinery, allowing the Bad Batch's Marauder to launch an attack on the facility. Once the clones Hunter and Echo had rescued Cham, Eleni, and their imprisoned supporters, Hera and Omega followed the Marauder in shuttle two, and they regrouped on Ord Mantell.