After successfully taking the bridge of the Cacophony and besting its captain, Melis Shryke, forces called in by Shryke and led by Shryke's superior, General Abediah Viess, arrived in the ship Foregone Catastrophe. Viess hoped to capture the Jedi and began to shoot at the Cacophony. Wanting to ensure that Kriss could escape the Zone, Engle left the Cacophony in a drill ship and used it to heavily damage Viess's ship. He then dueled Viess as the ship came apart, until he was left hanging on to piece of metal while hanging over empty space, after which Viess felt she had won and left due to the hopeless nature of the ship.
Meanwhile, Kriss discovered that the Path drive had been destroyed by Shryke and decided to link up an EX droid memory bank that Engle had recovered to the ship's hyperdrive instead. Kriss hoped that the EX droids' unique way of travelling through hyperspace would allow the ship to travel through the Stormwall. She was proven correct, as the ship safely passed through the Stormwall to the other side, though this left Engle lost.