During an expedition into the depths of a Sith fortress located on Almas, a team of Jedi that included the Wookiee Jedi Master Kirlocca discovered the Pulas and brought it back to the Almas Academy for safe-keeping. However, the Believers learned of the discovery of the artifact and sought to steal it for their own ends. The first night that the Pulas was kept in the Academy, a number of Believers broke in and attempted to take the artifact for themselves. However, they were confronted by the Jedi guarding the artifact who attacked them. Unable to overcome the Jedi and faced with capture, the Believers turned their blasters on themselves and took their own lives.
Following the attack, Lanius Qel-Bertuk, the headmaster of the Almas Academy, decided that the Pulas was not safe on Almas and arranged for it to be transported to the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant.