Skirmish on Takodana

A skirmish broke out on the planet Takodana between Imperial forces and General Han Solo of the New Republic as the smuggler, with the help of defector Ralsius Paldora, attempted to find data cubes stored in a forest that contained information crucial to both the Republic and to help liberate the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk. Imperial forces interdicted the general, however, the timely arrival of Inferno Squad allowed Han to escape with the intelligence.


Han Solo was on planet to find Paldora, an Imperial statistician who had two valuable data chips. One was a list of fleet movements, resupply points, and hidden armaments and the other something to help Solo liberate Kashyyyk. After discussing with patrons in Takodana Castle, Han was able to find out he was a bearded many on the top floor drinking Merenzane Gold. After finding Paldora, Han snuck him into the forest to find the data cubes. The Empire was terrified that the Republic would find out how awful of a state it was in and sent several shuttles to make sure this information did not leak.

The skirmish

Han and Paldora first found the Imperial fleet logistics card guarded by several stormtroopers. Next they went farther into the forest to the shrine to find the Kashyyyk disk. After locating both disk, the pair went up to the Falcon and launched. While trying to escape the Empire sent a Arquitens-class command cruiser escorted by a squadron of TIEs. The Imperials were later defeated with the help of Inferno Squad.


Han Solo talked with Senator Leia via Hologram reminding her she couldn't get rid of him that early. Inferno squad would then discuss their plans for Sullust and Bespin.


  • Star Wars: Timelines



