Snivvian was the native language of the Snivvian species from Cadomai Prime. Most Snivvians were fluent in both Snivvian and Basic, although they were only literate in their own language, and they had a nasal accent when speaking Basic. Snivvians were fascinated by galactic culture, and thus were happy to speak Basic with non-Snivvians. However, there were some Snivvians who refused to use Basic because of their personal philosophy. In any case, all Snivvians were delighted to encounter members of other species trying to communicate in Snivvian.
- Art
- Thanks
- Fresher
- Cold
- Winter
- Create
- What do you do for a living?
- Credits
- Here
- Female
- Male
- Repair
- Tickets
- Please
- The winds are picking up
- Today
- Greetings
- What
- When
- Where
- Why
- Contract
- What planets have you traveled to?
- Hologram
- Tomorrow
- Symbol
- Food
- Me; I
- Song
- Experience
- Literature
- Sculpture
- Starship
- Can you fly a starship?
- Music
- No
- The weather is not as deadly today
- Twin
- Slavery
- What do you do when you get home?
- What part of Cadomai are you from?
- Dry
- Yes
- I did not mean any insult.
- Painting
- You
- Republic
- Payment
- Hospital
- Help
- Separatists
- Tavern
- Poetry
- Yesterday
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- There is no greater love than a master's for his masterpiece.
- This would look fantastic over my fireplace.
- What do the colors symbolize?
- I will think about your holo for the rest of my life.
- What were you on when you created this?
- That sculpture is titillating.
- Did you mean to create a travesty?
- How much is this painting?
- Secrets of Tatooine
- Alien Anthology
- Ultimate Alien Anthology
- Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide
- Galaxy of Intrigue