

In 1 ABY, Soolami was a slave under Trandoshan slavemaster Woff B'tar. Just before being shipped off to Nal Hutta, her older sister escaped, and was escorted safely back to Mos Espa with a spacer sent by JillJoo Jab. However, Sadelli refused to leave the planet without Soolami.

The spacer was once again sent by JillJoo Jab, this time to rescue Soolami, who was being escorted by a thug and a Trandoshan slaver. Soolami was then escorted safely back to the city, allowing both siblings to leave the planet together.

Behind the scenes

Soolami is Non-Player Character (NPC) in the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies. Players who perform a series of quests for JillJoo Jab in Mos Espa must find Soolami and bring her back to the city safely.



