List of phrases and slang

This is a list of phrases, interjections, slang, insults, and expletives used in the galaxy.


  • : A hazard assessment used by Alliance Special Operations Teams that followed the sequence 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13. An assessment of 13 was a Death Star sighting, 8 was a fleet arriving in a system, 5 was a solitary Star Destroyer, 3 was a ground army, 2 was a small fleet, 1 was any other sizable operation.
  • : Number of hostile aliens (7G's, 8G's).
  • : A slang term for "perfect" used by ARC troopers and clone troopers.
  • : A slang term used by ARC troopers and clone troopers, meaning "terrible" or referring to a worst-case scenario.
  • : Alliance Intelligence slang for an agent who made twenty field assignments and retired. Considered any competent agent in SpecOps.
  • : Fighterpilot slang for a line going across a fighter's wings, based on an imaginary clock, in which 12 is straight ahead and 6 is behind. The goal is to keep any enemy fighter in front of the 3-9 line.


  • : SpecOps slang for average Bounty Hunter, though could also mean an above-average bounty hunter.
  • : Deal-slang for what a gambler would consider the least acceptable way to do business; their bottom line.
  • : Deal-slang for to duck or hide out.
  • : Fighterpilot slang for aerial combat maneuvering, aka dogfighting.
  • : SpecOps slang for a combat operation that presents opportunities for a large-scale theft.
  • : Used by Cuy'val Dar and clone troopers to refer to Kaminoans.
  • : An Imperial order.
  • : Phrase meaning "all present and accounted for". Similar to the real-world idiom "get/have your ducks in a row."
  • : Elrood sector slang for residents of Lanthrym.
  • : Military slang for acronyms.
  • : Someone who lives in seclusion. Real-world noun.
  • : Used by Clive Flax to address Astri Oddo.
  • : A completely different example; another case. Similar to the real-world phrase "be another kettle of fish."
  • : Military slang for area of operations. Also, an omnipresent term for the place where a mission takes place.
  • : Light insult used by an Unidentified stormtrooper Platoon Leader.
  • : Mando'a for foreigner, outsider, and at worst, traitor.
  • : Untrustworthy.
  • : Very smooth.
  • : Adjective used to convey approval, similar to "awesome."
  • : Very stubborn.
  • : A phrase used around 27 BBY to describe something with vivid, shimmering colors.
  • : Expression of dismay. "Nuts" is a real-world exclamation.
  • : Military slang for absent without leave; the same as desertion in some militaries.
  • : Sullustan pejorative term for a Sith.
  • : A phrase coined by MK-09 to describe the attempted, yet ineffective, covert tactics of members of the Azzameen family, most notably Ace Azzameen.


  • : An obscenity of unknown origin about Hutts.
  • : Slang term for an attractive young woman; used by Oked about Asajj Ventress, and Cade Skywalker to address Darth Maladi. Real-world slang.
  • : An affectionate way of addressing someone, especially a lover; also used by Han Solo to address his ship, the Millennium Falcon. Real-world noun.
  • : Gallisportswoop gang slang. An easy entrance or exit, usually created by the gang when it was needed.
  • : Adjective, usually a derogatory modifier, used figuratively to mean backwards, quaint, or inferior.
  • : A group of failed clone troopers.
  • : A defective clone trooper.
  • : Deal-slang for a risky deal with little to no profit potential.
  • : During Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire, this was Imperial trooper slang for a Sith.
  • : Used by Warto to refer to the WookieeChewbacca.
  • : An insult, e.g. "you brainless, lice-ridden bantha." Also a derogatory Imperialtank crew term for an AT-AT.
  • or : A stupid person. Similar to the real-world insult "birdbrain."
  • : An insult.
  • : Nonsense; i.e. "your story's so much bantha droppings." Similar to the real-world noun "bullshit."
  • : A swear word. Could also refer to something very unlikeable. The former is similar to the real-world swear word "shit," while the latter is similar to the vulgar noun "bullshit."
  • : Slang term for a person deemed to have no value beyond something for a bantha to feed on; worthless or waste, e.g., "You won't be worth bantha fodder." Also used as a synonym for nonsense, e.g. "That's the biggest through of bantha fodder I'e ever heard anyone spit up in my life," and deal-slang for when a promised deal did not come through. The use of the word is similar to the real-world vulgar noun "shit," while "bantha fodder" as a synonym for nonsense is also similar to the real-world noun "bullshit."
  • : Derogatory Imperialtank crew term for an AT-AT crew.
  • : See . Similar to the real-world noun "bullshit."
  • : A slang term, loosely equivalent to pig.
  • : Crazy.
  • : An insult used by Isplourrdacartha Estillo against the alleged murderer of her family. Real-world noun.
  • : An Ansionian expletive, used to indicate an individual's loss of patience or extreme exasperation.
  • : SpecOps term for a lot of Imperials huddled together, enough to even make a SpecOps agent nervous.
  • : Canny and/or aggressive military veterans.
  • : Boring Bounty Hunter. SpecOps term for common target practice bounty hunters.
  • : SpecOps term for a Balinaka.
  • : A phrase used by Han Solo meaning "been fooled" or "been tricked." "Be had" is a real-world phrase.
  • : To be in a situation where you have to choose between two equally unpleasant courses of action. Similar to the real-world phrase "to be caught between a rock and a hard place."
  • : To die.
  • : Bounty hunter.
  • : Heavy armored transports such as the AT-AT or the AT-TE.
  • : Deal-slang for an unexpected violent or dramatic ending to a deal.
  • : An expletive used by Yarbolk Yemm.
  • : Slang term for the lightspeed barrier.
  • : To terminate someone.
  • : Deal-slang for conducting multiple deals.
  • : Used in Mos Eisley as a criticism to denote extreme stubbornness, or inability to compromise on an issue: "You can be so binary at times."
  • : Military slang term for starship. Also a word used by Shira Brie about Imperial TIE fighters.
  • : SpecOps term for Imperial Security Bureau agent.
  • : An untrustworthy being. Merglyn complained that "If you weren't so cheap, Havor, you wouldn't have bought a faulty shield generator from that bishwag, Watto".
  • : An offensive term for a woman. Real-world noun.
  • : Slang term for "taken on a larger problem than we can handle." "Bite off more than you can chew" is a real-world idiom.
  • : A pejorative once used by Niles Ferrier.
  • : SpecOps term for any large denomination, at least 1,000 credits, that is probably "blackmarked," or traceable.
  • : Deal-slang for a deal for technology of a military nature.
  • : Elrood sector slang for Imperial officers, named after their black caps.
  • : Deal-slang for a deal that has gone so bad that the consequences seem to have no end.
  • : A disreputable family member. Similar to the real-world noun phrase "black sheep."
  • : A nickname for the soldiers of the Galactic Alliance Guard, perhaps particularly the ground troops of the corps.
  • : An interjection. Real-world exclamation.
  • : Intensifier used to express anger or annoyance. Real-world adjective.
  • : Dim-witted. Similar to the real-world insult "birdbrain."
  • : An interjection, most notably used by Jacen Solo.
  • : A term used for troopers who were sent on impossible missions, likely ending in their deaths. Similar to the real-world noun "cannon fodder."
  • : Ready to react violently, esp. by shooting, on the slightest provocation. Similar to the real-world adjective "trigger-happy."
  • : Used to tell someone to go away. Similar to the rude real-world phrase "piss off."
  • : An expletive from the real world.
  • : Alliance Intelligence slang for setting up a new intelligence network on a new planet.
  • : Gallisportswoop gang slang. A spice addict. So-called because of involuntary eye-blinking.
  • : An expletive. Phonetically similar to the real-world "fricking."
  • : A swear word. Could also be used as part of a longer interjection, e.g. " is that?"
  • : Mos Eisley slang referring either to Jabba Desilijic Tiure specifically, or in a disparaging manner to any Hutt.
  • : An insult.
  • : An insult.
  • : An ordinary and uneventful mission. A pun on the real-world noun "milk run."
  • : Deal-slang for doing something stupid that would ruin a deal, like falling into the |Sarlacc pit.
  • : Insult referring to an individual rejected by the Bomarr religious sect, or an outcast.
  • : Superlative, used mainly by Gungans.
  • : Pilot slang for a Y-wing.
  • : Slang term for a hit man. Not to be confused with the Gungan vehicle.
  • : Gallisportswoop gang slang. A droid created to help the gangs steal repulsorcraft and spare parts.
  • : Slang term for cyborg.
  • : An insult used by individuals who were prejudiced against cyborgs to refer to individuals who did not share their prejudice.
  • : A SpecOps term in reference to a mission. Either considered extremely dangerous or no threat at all, or both at the same time. Only truly understood by SpecOps agents.
  • : An adaptable expletive; see . Similar to the real-world vulgar adjective "f*cked."
  • : Slang term for the Galactic Alliance Guard.
  • : Deal-slang for Imperial customs officers.
  • : Slang term for police officers with the Coruscant Security Force and Senate Guard. See also: and .
  • : Deal-slang for Espo troops.
  • : Slang term for stormtroopers.
  • : Deal-slang for stormtroopers.
  • : Derogatory modifier suggesting robotic or unthinking behavior.
  • : Stupid. Real-world adjective.
  • : An insult, referring to an arachnid that attached itself to a host's brain.
  • : SpecOps term for a Special Operative.
  • : A child who behaves badly. Real-world noun.
  • : Air pollution; short for "brown haze."
  • : Slang term commonly used by Rebel/Republic pilots, in reference to the TIE/Advanced starfighter.
  • : Insult used by Nym about Sol Sixxa.
  • : An expletive, as in "What the brix are you doing here?"
  • : An act that denotes surprise, as in "I'll be broggled!"
  • : Deal-slang for boring typical average deal.
  • : Insult used by Cad Bane toward Robonino. Similar to the real-world insult "birdbrain."
  • : Clone trooper helmet. Similar to the Mando'a term buy'ce.
  • : A rebel term for an Imperial pilot or Stormtrooper; Also a derogatory term for Mandalorians, and most likely also other soldiers wearing helmets.
  • : A term for a droid, used by clone commandos. It has also been used to refer to a starship.
  • : Worth very little; e.g. "You could buy his loyalty with a bucket of bantha spit." Similar to the real-world idiom "don't amount to a bucket of spit."
  • : Nonsense. Similar to the real-world idiom "don't amount to a bucket of spit."
  • : Geonosian.
  • : Big Ugly Guy. SpecOps term for any hostile alien.
  • : Derogatory word for a Geonosian, and possibly other insectoidspecies.
  • : A derogatory word for a Rodian.
  • : Derogatory word for a Joiner.
  • : A Verpine.
  • : An insult aimed at children.
  • : An insult.
  • : Exclamation meaning "nonsense."
  • : An expletive.
  • : Fly until you get into hyperspace.
  • : Exclamation, possibly unique to Froz.
  • : Spacer slang referring the loss of power in a starship's power plants.
  • : SpecOps term that referred to either throwing a live grenade or thermal detonator down the throat of a large opposing predator, or entering a known enemy trap and using its firepower against itself.
  • : Elrood sector slang for smuggler.
  • : Alliance Intelligence slang for stormtrooper.
  • : Alliance Intelligence slang for cover blown.
  • : Mos Eisley slang for dying, usually violently. Coined in reference to the 0 BBY death of PrefectOrun Depp, likely by the local police force.
  • : Slang for a battle droid STAP, mainly used by a clone trooper.
  • : An exclamation. Similar to the real-world exclamation "by God."
  • : Non-canon exclamation, referring to the one-eyed Abyssin and their homeworld.
  • : See
  • : See
  • : Nediji exclamation; see
  • : See
  • : See
  • : See
  • : See
  • : See
  • : See
  • : An exclamation, possibly used only by the citizens of Onderon during the Old Republic; see
  • : A Rodian exclamation; see
  • : See
  • : See
  • : See
  • : A Mere exclamation; see
  • : See
  • : See
  • : See
  • : A Nautolan invocation; see


  • : An insult.
  • : SpecOps term for a tank, by deliberately misspelling the word.
  • : A pejorative for someone who is oblivious to an obvious situation. Nick Rostu once addressed Mace Windu as such.
  • : Vulgar expression used to indicate an extremely displeasing situation.
  • : Spacers' slang for backside, effectively similar to the real-world rude word "ass."
  • : Military code meaning no resistance or all is clear.
  • : Military code meaning light resistance.
  • : SpecOps term for an Orryxian.
  • : Contraction of "Categorically Not." SpecOps term for Kashyyyk.
  • : Cybernetic Bronchitis. SpecOps term for Darth Vader.
  • : Pronunciation of the acronym for "Command Center" (CC).
  • : Planetary shield coverage.
  • : Mando'a for "thief" or "grave robber"; used as a general term of abuse.
  • : Old Corellian toast.
  • : Proverb meaning that one cannot change the basic way one is. Similar to the real-world phrase "a leopard cannot change its spots."
  • : Mild expletive suggesting the subject is doing something they know is unwise. Similar to the real-world phrase "heaven help somebody."
  • : Used to say that the speaker not care about something, e.g. "Chaos take your mission!" Similar to the real-world idiom "to hell with someone/something."
  • : Slang for sexual intercourse.
  • : Military phrase used by clone commando drilling sergeants for ceasing fire.
  • : Time to leave
  • : Woman.
  • : Phrase translated as "better watch it."
  • : Gallisportswoop gang slang for grenades. In real life, "cherry bomb" is an American English word for a form of firecracker.
  • : Phrase used to describe someone who is acting crazy.
  • : Houk term of endearment for children.
  • : SpecOps term for any Imperial operation or personnel.
  • : Rebel slang for an Imperial AT-ST walker.
  • : Insulting term for a droid. Similar to the real-world noun "birdbrain."
  • : Elrood sector slang for droids that communicated via beeps and whistles rather than Basic.
  • : A derogatory term commonly used during the era of the Clone Wars.
  • : Vulgar term for oneself or one's rear end, effectively similar to the real-world rude word "ass."
  • : SpecOps term for an Imperial AT-ST walker.
  • : Huttese for hey; you/hey you. Literally, another word for "gorg."
  • : A swear word.
  • : Derogatory modifier used by Jariah Syn and Ree-Yees. Similar to the real-world noun "suck-egg," referring to someone who is young, stupid, or despicable.
  • : A term meaning that one has openly saved him- or herself from condemnation at the expense of a comrade. similar to the real-world idiom "throw someone under the bus."
  • : Simple phrase meaning "never mind."
  • : Slang term for civilians, or civilian clothing. Real-world noun.
  • : A blaster fight.
  • : Slang term used by clone troopers to describe CIS battle droids because of the sound they make while marching.
  • : Slang term for Class-D annihilation. Considered profanity by the Jedi, as this form of disruptor technology was outlawed galaxy-wide and believed to target midi-chlorians, thereby eradicating matter from detection in the Force itself—a phenomenon the Jedi viewed as the ultimate affront to life. Can be used figuratively: "I feel pretty kriffing Class-Ded."
  • : Phrase used to wish someone a good journey.
  • : A whimsical term for an elderly man. Both Serji-X Arrogantus and Han Solo used the term to refer to the Old One. Real-world noun.
  • : Slang meaning a conversation carried out by using an electronic communications device.
  • : Slang used for anything related to communications.
  • : The dangerous feat of traveling through the vacuum of space without an enviro-suit, from one life-supporting environment to another.
  • : To attempt the above.
  • : Used by Borkus to insult Meebur Gascon.
  • : Slang term used to describe a one-night stand.
  • : Phrase meaning a comprehensive attempt at illustration or explanation of a subject. Similar to the real-world phrase "connect-the-dots."
  • : SpecOps term for a lot of chickens (Imperials) huddled together.
  • : A disrespectful term for an elderly man. Han Solo used the term to refer to Jan Dodonna, and Jolee Bindo used the term to refer to himself. Real-world American English noun.
  • A slang term to describe police officers specifically with the Coruscant Security Force and the Bespin Wing Guard. Real-world slang. See also: .
  • : Phrase meaning doing whatever one needs to do in order to get to where one needs to get to.
  • : A colloquial term referring to fate, comparing it to a deck of cards.
  • : A pejorative for unsophisticated country folk.
  • : Mandalorian slang for Yuuzhan Vong; referring to their Vonduun crab armor.
  • : Phrase meaning "What's on your mind?" or "Tell me what you're thinking." Similar to the real-world phrase "a penny for your thoughts."
  • : Phrase meaning that money gives you power. Similar to the real-world idiom "money talks."
  • : Crispy; slang term for dead.
  • : An expletive, used in the phrase ." Derogatory modifier . The latter is similar to the vulgar real-world swear word "f*cking," while the former is similar to the vulgar real-world phrase "go f*ck yourself."
  • : Slang term presumably relating to death by Force lightning.
  • : A term that expressed disappointment, and exasperation. Real-world British English excamation.
  • : Slang term commonly used by Invid pilots, in reference to the B-wing starfighter.
  • : SpecOps term for Incredibly Dangerous.
  • : SpecOps term for Extremely Dangerous.
  • : Term used to ask someone to get to the point. Similar to the real-world offensive idiom "cut the crap."
  • : Phrase meaning "stop lying." Similar to the real-world offensive idiom "cut the crap."


  • : Expletive; similar to the real-world American English exclamation "dang."
  • : An expletive used to express anger, annoyance, disgust, etc. Also used for emphasis, such as in "damn good." Real-world expletive/word.
  • : Han Solo's expression for "cool down."
  • : Word used by Cade Skywalker meaning "planet" or "rock."
  • : An expletive adjective used by "Bantha" Rawk. "Dang" is a real-world American English exclamation"
  • : An Imperial greeting.
  • : Yuuzhan Vong term for hyperspace.
  • : A Ysannan curse.
  • : Term for non-functioning. Similar to the real-world expression "dead as a doornail."
  • : (About a place) dead; quiet, with nothing interesting happening. Similar to the real-world expression "dead as a doornail."
  • : Deceased. Similar to the real-world expression "dead as a doornail."
  • : Term for a simple blade, no more than a sharp object such as a piece of metal, ceramic, transparisteel, or even carbonite. It was considered crude, as compared to a vibroblade or other technology.
  • : Phrase used to describe something dead. Similar to the real-world phrase "deader than a doornail."
  • : Failed and unlikely to be successful in the future. Real-world idiom.
  • : Cuy'val Dar slang for cloned soldiers in the Grand Army of the Republic.
  • : Slang for someone who worked in a hangar.
  • : Imperialinfantry for the crews of armored vehicles.
  • : Slang term commonly used by the Grand Army of the Republic in reference to DC-series blasters.
  • : Slang used by Alliance Special Operations teams for the act of throwing a person out of a window.
  • : SpecOps term for a Wookiee or other strong opponent engaging in hand-to-hand combat. Believed to be a corruption of the phrase "De-limb it."
  • : Maximum vertical range at which ground-based sensors could detect and track airborne targets.
  • : Slang term used for detonators.
  • Used to indicate that the answer to a question you have just been asked is an obvious "yes." Similar to the real-world idiom "is the Pope a Catholic?"
  • : Slang term for the TYE-wingUgly, referring to its alarmingly low combat survivability.
  • : SpecOps term for easy.
  • : A Mandalorian expletive meaning "idiot."
  • : To be common and of little value. Used by Obi-Wan Kenobi when talking about R2 units. Real-world American English idiom.
  • : Slang used by stormtroopers for solid ground.
  • : Phrase used by Jagged Fel to describe an atmospheric pilot.
  • : A derogatory Sith term for a non-Force-sensitive military officer.<
  • : A planet's surface.
  • : SpecOps term for an Imperial AT-AT.
  • : SpecOps term for Wookiee. See also .
  • : A phrase equivalent to "Does night follow day?" Similar to the real-world humorous offensive saying "Does a bear shit in the woods?"
  • : SpecOps term for several Wookiees. See also .
  • : To damage someone's reputation. Similar to the real-world idiom "drag someone's name through the mire/mud."
  • : Exclamation used by Cad Bane to express annoyance. Real-world British English exclamation.
  • : Elrood sector slang for the Rebel Alliance.
  • : Elrood sector slang for a large cloud of gas that spans much of the sector.
  • : SpecOps term for money.
  • : Clone slang for EMP grenades.
  • : A phrase to describe the effects of an EMP grenade on a clone commando's helmet.
  • : A Corellian expletive. Similar to the real-world vulgar expletive "f*ck it."
  • : A Corellian expletive. Phonetically similar to the real-world swear word "f*ck."
  • : A slang phrase for the place where one with minimal piloting skills might have bought his or her pilot's license.
  • : An insult on Antipose XII.
  • : Slang term commonly used by Rebel/Republic pilots, in reference to the TIE/sa bomber.
  • : SpecOps term for an undercover Imperial operative trying not to look like an undercover Imperial operative.
  • : SpecOps term for an orphan with valuable information.
  • : A derogatory modifier. Similar to the real-world adjective "damned."
  • : Used degradingly to refer to Tatooine.
  • : Used degradingly to refer to Tatooine.
  • : Slang used on Tatooine for a grain of sand.
  • : Neimoidian insult meaning "fool."
  • : An insulting noun.


  • : Term for a nuisance or pest.
  • : SpecOps term for difficult.
  • : SpecOps term for easy.
  • : Expression of contempt toward another party. Similar to the rude real-world slang phrase "eat shit."
  • : RudeHuttese expletive. According to sound designer Ben Burtt, it's not really appropriate to translate.
  • : Elrood sector slang for the Elrood-Derilyn Trade Route.
  • : Rebel nickname for stormtroopers.
  • : A Corellian term for an offworlder who immigrated to Corellia.
  • : An Alwari command to their noble Suubatar mounts to both arise and advance.
  • : An exclamation.
  • : A derogatory modifier, as in, "What in the Emperor's Black Heart…?"
  • : Expletive used by Imperial officers during the Yuuzhan Vong War.
  • : A Socorran expletive, meant to indicate a being of low standards and no loyalty.
  • : Term for a person from the Corellian system, used by the Ensterite, a Corellian sect which forbade marriage with anyone from outside the system. Compare .
  • : SpecOps slang for combat.
  • : Slang term for one's genitals. Real-world slang for male genitals.
  • : Slang term for Victory-class Star Destroyer.
  • : A slang term for a Corporate Sector Authority soldier.
  • : SpecOps slang for Extended Three-Letter Acronym; that is, a four-letter acronym. See .
  • : Slang term commonly used by Rebel and Republic pilots, in reference to the TIE/In fighter. Often shortened to simply "eye." Later used by Cade Skywalker to refer to TIE predators.
  • : Slang for executive officer.
  • : Ensterite term for a person from outside the Corellian system. Compare .
  • : Elrood sector slang for the section of the Elrood-Derilyn Trade Route that is under the control of the Empire.


  • : Phrase used among cyborgs to refer to the pleasant experience that came with using a high quality interface link.
  • : General term for hovercraft crew used by Imperial forces.
  • : An adaptable expletive, as in, "We've been farkled," or used to describe a bleak or disastrous situation,as in, "We're farkled." Similar to the real-world offensive adjective "f*cked."
  • : A Yuuzhan Vong expletive, also used by Jedi to indicate an area was clear of danger.
  • : SpecOps slang for looking for weak spots in an organisation or system.
  • : Alliance Intelligence slang for its own organization.
  • : SpecOps slang for self preservation instinct, which is considered a bad quality among them.
  • : An expletive used throughout the Tapani sector of the galaxy. Similar to the real-world swear word "f*cking."
  • : An expletive to describe someone stupid as in "stupid fedejik of a pilot.
  • : An Ewok expletive, roughly translating to "darn" or "shoot."
  • : Disparaging term in Mos Eisley for taking advantage of others.
  • : A statement of incredulity. Similar to the real-world rude British English exclamation "bugger me."
  • : Mos Eisley slang meaning to disappear, never to be seen again; to go into hiding from legal authorities.
  • : Jawaeese exclamation. Similar to the real-world swear word "f*ck."
  • : An expletive. Phonetically similar to the real-world swear word "f*ck."
  • : The Ansionian word for mentally deranged or addled.
  • : A game. Similar to the real-world noun "cat and mouse", a type of behavior akin to that of a cat playing with its prey, such as toying or tormenting someone before killing them, or an intricate game involving endless pursuit, almost getting caught and narrowly escaping.
  • : Expletive used by Vilmarh Grahrk.
  • : An expletive.
  • : Insane.
  • : A Huttese expletive; it means "curse" or "hex," although it is often misunderstood as "poison."
  • : Imperial slang for mines.
  • : An invitation to help oneself.
  • : An expletive used by Alliance pilots.
  • : A euphemism for death, used by spacers. Usually connoted a peaceful death. Origin is from the jump to lightspeed.
  • : Elrood sector slang meaning that the person has died. Normally used sarcastically.
  • : A term used by Crimson Jack to describe Leia Organa, perhaps meaning "troublemaker" or "hothead."
  • : Infantry term for armored vehicles.
  • : SpecOps slang for anything with a large fusion reactor.
  • ': Short for affirmative.
  • : The time between the first and second sunsets in Mos Eisley.
  • : SpecOps term for a fish, or a Mon Calamari or other aquatic species. Also refers to trouble, depending on the context.
  • : Slang for a Mon Calamari, used by Han Solo to describe Ackbar.
  • : A derogatory term used for a Mon Calamari.
  • : An expletive used by many Imperial and Republic troops.
  • : A (sometimes metaphorical) flag which signified a meeting between enemies would occur under a temporary cease-fire. A piece of clothing such as a bandana could be used as the flag. Real-world noun phrase for a white flag.
  • : A term meaning "con" or "hustle."
  • : A derogatory modifier. Real-world slang.
  • : An exclamatory phrase.
  • : An expletive.
  • : A Hutt slang term with the apparent meaning to secure, acquire, accomplish or achieve, as in "flatch the snatch" (abduction).
  • : A Hutt expletive, as in "just who in the flizzards are you?"
  • : A Sullustan expletive describing one who has upset the speaker.
  • : An alien expletive.
  • : A Dug expletive. Phonetically similar to the real-world swear word "f*ck."
  • : Derogatory term for the Ssi-ruu.
  • : A slang term for a starfighter pilot, or the pilot of any small-scale starship.
  • : Elrood sector slang for ore carriers.
  • : Elrood sector slang for Star Destroyers.
  • : Double.
  • : An expletive. Similar to the real-world exclamation "for goodness sake."
  • : Used to express frustration. Real-world exclamation.
  • : Used to emphasize a request. Real-world exclamation.
  • : An exclamation. Similar to the real-world exclamation "for goodness sake."
  • : An expression for an unideal location that the Force has apparently neglected. Similar to the real-world adjective "godforsaken."
  • : SpecOps slang for a fraction of a credit, especially non-Imperial currency.
  • : SpecOps slang for lots of money in all denominations.
  • or : An expletive. Phonetically similar to the real-world swear word "f*ck."
  • : An adaptable expletive. Derivative . It could also be short for "fragmentation," as in frag grenade. The expletive is similar to the real-world American English exclamation "dang."
  • : A Gungan term meaning someone who is scared. Similar to the real-world noun "fraidy-cat."
  • : An expletive. Rhymes with the real-world American English exclamation "dang."
  • : An independent spacer of a roguish bent.
  • : An expletive.
  • , variant : A curse. Similar to the real-world swear word "f*ck" and its variant "f*cking."
  • : Short for "frequency."
  • : An expletive, i.e. "what the frink?" Similar to the real-world slang word "frick."
  • : An expletive that is said when surprised. Similar to the real-world word "frickin'", a version of the word "fricking."
  • : An expletive. Similar to the real-world slang word "frick."
  • : An expletive used as an adjective by the natives of the planet Indu San. Similar to the real-world word "fricking" and the rude swear word "frigging."
  • : An expletive. Similar to the real-world slang word "frick."
  • : A rude way of telling someone to go away. A pun on the rude real-world slang phrase "piss off."
  • : Phrase used by Pa'lowicks to emphasize sincerity, similar to the real-world phrase "from the bottom of my heart."
  • , variant : A swear word, e.g. "I really wanted to get my hands on a gun of command, and get off of this planet." Phonetically similar to the real-world swear words "f*ck" and "f*cking."
  • : Short for "faster than light."
  • : Meaning that a person is lying. Similar to the real-world rude slang phrase "full of shit."
  • : A usually derogatory term for a Wookiee or other fur-covered species.
  • : A term for a fur-covered species such as a Wookiee or an Ewok; could be used derogatory or as a term of endearment.
  • : Derogatory term used by Han Solo to address Chewbacca.


  • : A group of Force-sensitives as described by Han Solo.
  • : An exclamation of surprise and awe used by youth during the early years of the New Order. Similar to the real-world exclamation "(good) heavens."
  • : One of Lando Calrissian's mystical expletives.
  • : A futile search. Similar to the real-world phrase "wild goose chase."
  • : SpecOps slang for grenade.
  • : SpecOps slang for any flying species.
  • : An Alderaanian expletive.
  • : A Human expletive used when one was surprised.
  • : An exclamation.
  • : Ahsoka Tano used this term for the giant neebray mantas.
  • : Slang name for a Toydarian, used by W. Wald to describe Watto.
  • : Elrood sector slang for Coyn, the planet located closest to the rest of the galaxy.
  • : SpecOps acronym for Gross Bounty Hunter, e.g. Boba Fett, Dengar, IG-88, Zardra etc.
  • : Spacer slang for a sudden surge from a starship's drive system.
  • : A disrespectful term for an elderly man.
  • : Version of "gentleman" used to describe a member of any gender and species. Real-world science fiction word.
  • : Geonosians.
  • : Slang term for geosynchronous orbit.
  • : Slang phrase equivalent to "Let's get moving," as used by Jaxxon. Real-world idiom.
  • : To become upset about something; used about a Mere. Similar to the real world British English idiom "get your knickers in a twist."
  • : An adaptable expletive, likely Rodian in origin, as in "What the gfersh is this?"
  • : Term for Imperialstormtroopers used by Shira Brie.
  • : Term used by Jawas to describe the Tusken Raiders.
  • : Expletive used by Tup, originated on Simpla-12.
  • : Used by Rebel Alliance agents to indicate that a starship had been hijacked for use in the Alliance Fleet.
  • : To care about, as in "You think anybody on Haruun Kal gives a handful of snot who rules on Coruscant?". Similar to the rude real-world slang phrase "give a shit."
  • : To care about something, e.g. "Why give a poodoo?" Similar to the rude real-world slang phrase "give a shit."
  • : Phrase that meant "to care about something"; however, usually said as "didn't give" or "don't give a Psadan's patoot." Similar to the rude real-world slang phrase "give a shit."
  • : Slang command meaning "Go as fast as possible."
  • : Ysannan phrase meaning "goodbye."
  • : CorSec slang for individuals addicted to the raw, unrefined form of glitterstim, a form of spice. Also spelled as .
  • : An insult used by B1-Series battle droids.
  • : Slang for lightsaber.
  • : Elrood sector slang for TIE fighters.
  • : SpecOps slang for gun or slughtrower.
  • : Expletive; e.g. "Where'd all the gnurled bandits come from?" Similar to the real-world swear word "damn."
  • : Slang for an AWOL clone trooper or unit, who deserted from the Grand Army of the Republic.
  • : A disrespectful term for a Rodian.
  • : An insult once used by Canderous Ordo in reference to Rakatans. "Hold on a second - you understood these goggle-eyed freaks?".
  • : Used to show a lack of respect for someone. Similar to the vulgar real-world slang phrase "kiss my ass."
  • : Another word for a spice overdose used by many fringers.
  • : A Human word used by Simon Greyshade, apparently meaning cool or great.
  • : Slang for planetaryatmosphere, to an IRD starfighterpilot.
  • : To go awry. Similar to the real-world rude slang phrase "go to shit."
  • : A Yuuzhan Vong expletive.
  • : Also, "." Disparaging term in Mos Eisley for a person who takes advantage of others. Named for a native scavenger.
  • : Stormtrooper slang for "kill." Also SpecOps slang for funding for bribes.
  • : Insult for a droid.
  • or : A phrase meaning "to bribe," as of an official. Also SpecOps slang for funding for bribes. Similar to the real-world idiom "grease someone's palm."
  • : An Agamari phrase meaning to commit fully.
  • : An expression of shock or surprise. Similar to the real-world American English exclamation "great Scott."
  • : A euphemism for the afterlife.
  • : An exclamation. Similar to the real-world American English exclamation "great Scott."
  • : An exclamation. Similar to the real-world American English exclamation "great Scott."
  • : An exclamation. Similar to the rude real-world exclamation "holy shit."
  • : Exclamation used by the Mon CalamariCha Niathal. Similar to the real-world American English exclamation "great Scott."
  • : A euphemism for death.
  • : An exclamation Similar to the real-world American English exclamation "great Scott."
  • : Naïve, inexperienced. Similar to the real-world British English idiom "green as grass."
  • : SpecOps slang for a new Rebel soldier who is overly eager for combat.
  • : A derogatory term for Mimbanites or Rodians; also SpecOps slang for Rodians. Also a term for inexperienced scouts.
  • : SpecOps slang for an Imperial IntelligenceAgent.
  • : An expression of relief.
  • : An expletive used by Nym.
  • : SpecOps slang for any species capable of uttering a particularly loud cry/alarm call, as in "gronk!"
  • : SpecOps slang for any canine-looking species.
  • : Derisive Elrood sector slang for Gamorreans.
  • : Elrood sector slang for someone taking refuge on Kidron.
  • : Groundshaker. SpecOps term for an Imperial AT-AT walker.
  • : Slang for a scared individual, similar to the real-world noun "fraidy-cat."
  • : Great Uncle Boba. Referring to Boba Fett.
  • : Something of bad quality. Similar to the real-world nouns shit, bullshit.
  • : A large amount, as in "I'm a Gungan's ears better than the alternative."
  • : A term for the front passenger seat of a speeder. It could be shouted before entering the vehicle in order to claim the seat. Similar to the real-world term "shotgun" (as in "calling shotgun").


  • : Mando'a expletive, translating as "damn it".
  • : Used by Warto to refer to the WookieeChewbacca.
  • : Used as both a curse and expression of delight among the nomadic Alwari of Ansion; "" was the Gwurran equivalent.
  • : Darman's term to describe a .
  • : An alcoholic beverage.
  • : An old spacer's greeting.
  • : Term used by the Grand Army of the Republic to describe a physical engagement with a sentient being.
  • : Bounty hunter phrase given to the subject upon which a bounty has been placed.
  • : Mimbanite slang for Imperial stormtroopers.
  • : A derogatory term applied to a female; Ahsoka Tano referred to Asajj Ventress as a hairless one.
  • : Spacer slang for departing an area as fast as possible.
  • : Have a large number of connections. Similar to the real-world idiom "have a finger in every pie."
  • : Neimoidian expression.
  • : SpecOps slang for locating an enemy's primary nerve center with the intent to destroy it.
  • : SpecOps slang for an operation which renders the rest of an enemy's operations completely useless.
  • : Phrase used to describe bacta or kolto. Used by Jolee Bindo.
  • : An insult. Similar to the real-world offensive noun "piece of shit."
  • : A place of joy and rest, e.g. "a glutton's heaven" or "", a phrase used among cyborgs to refer to the pleasant experience that came with using a high quality interface link. Real-world noun.
  • : An interjection used by Lepi.
  • : Mild expletive. Real-world exclamation.
  • : Slang for a long walk, march or run.
  • : Expletive; could also be modified with intensifiers, for example; "What the hell are you doing" or "Where in eight Stalbringion hells did that come from?" Real-world swear word.
  • : Elrood sector slang for someone who has been arrested by the Empire and forced to work in the mines of Imperial Mining.
  • : Slang for time that droids and computers rest.
  • : Alliance Intelligence slang for undercover.
  • : Any transmission at high, very high, ultrahigh or superhigh frequencies.
  • : A slang for "advantage," as in the phrase "He has all the high numbers…" used by Han Solo; probably a term originating from gambling.
  • : SpecOps slang for getting a complete stranger to render assistance, via trickery, bribing, persuasion etc.
  • : Elrood sector slang for Palpatine.
  • : SpecOps slang for using someone else's intelligence facilities or network, usually without their knowledge or permission.
  • : Fate and playing the cards one was dealt.
  • : Rebel saying. Similar to the real-world proverb "home is where the heart is."
  • : Used to tell someone to wait, slow down. Similar to the real-world idiom "hold your horses."
  • or : Slang for a less-than-ladylike female celebrity. Used to describe Yara Grugara.
  • : An interjection used by Han Solo. Similar to the real-world term "holy catfish/cow/cricket/mackerel."
  • : An exclamation. Similar to the real-world term "holy catfish/cow/cricket/mackerel."
  • : Interjection used by Han Solo. Similar to the real-world interjection "holy mother of God."
  • : Sullustan exclamation. Similar to the real-world rude slang exclamation "holy shit."
  • : An interjection. A pun on the real-world rude slang exclamation "holy shit."
  • : A term meaning "safe," used by Luke Skywalker. "Be home free" is a real-world American English idiom meaning to have finished the hardest part of something and is therefore likely sure to succeed.
  • : A phrase Han Solo used to refer to places at which he had stayed, such as Aduba-3. Real-world idiom.
  • : An exclamation.
  • : Used by Jariah Syn to refer to Cade Skywalker's Force powers. Real-world noun.
  • (or ): Slang for sexual intercourse.
  • (or ): Rodian slang for Humans.
  • : A phrase used to refer to speech that was melodic or rhythmic.
  • : A derogatory term for a Zabrak.
  • : Grand Army of the Republic military slang for a briefing in which the failures of a mission are reviewed.
  • : A phrase meaning "How did you come to that conclusion?"
  • : Intensifier used to express surprise, e.g. "How the kriff did you manage that?". Since "kriff" is believed to be the Star Wars equivalent of the real-world swear-word f*ck, "how the kriff" would be similar to the real-world offensive phrase "how the f*ck."
  • : Intensifier used to express surprise, e.g. "How the stang did you access that?". Similar to the real-world phrase "how the hell."
  • : A Morgukai equivalent of a laugh.
  • : SpecOps acronym for High Speed Surgery, referring to the act of disabling an armored vehicle or starship by cutting a hole in the hull and injecting a grenade or thermal detonator.
  • : Expletive phrase used by Dugs.
  • : A slur used by the Kaleesh, meaning "soulless bug," which was used to describe a Yam'rii.
  • : SpecOps slang for people with bounties on them that exceed 100,000 credits and are still free.
  • : Slang for a person who seems to attract misfortune to themselves as well as others around them.
  • : A curse. Similar to the real-world rude exclamation "bullshit."
  • : A curse in the Ciutric Hegemony. Similar to the real-world rude exclamation "bullshit."
  • : An expletive used for disbelief in a statement made by someone else. Similar to the real-world noun "hogwash."
  • : Mando'a curse for "coward."
  • : Slang for faster-than-light communication.


  • : Slang for the act of scavenging.
  • : Short for Improvised Explosive Devices.
  • : An exclamation of surprise. Similar to the real-world phrase "I'll be damned."
  • : Exclamation of surprise. Similar to the real-world phrase "I'll be damned."
  • : An exclamation. Real-world phrase.
  • : A term for star systems that supported EmperorPalpatine and the Empire following the end of the Clone Wars.
  • : Slang term for Imperials.
  • : Slang and ironic term for Imperials (stormtroopers, TIE pilots etc.).
  • : Slang term often used by Rebel/New Republic pilots when referring to an Imperial Star Destroyer Mark II.
  • : Gungan slang for being in serious trouble. Similar to the real-world vulgar phrase "in deep shit."
  • : To be in a lot of trouble. Similar to the real-world vulgar phrase "in deep shit."
  • : Ugnaught term for being in a lot of trouble. Similar to the real-world vulgar phrase "in deep shit."
  • : To be in deep trouble. Similar to the real-world vulgar phrase "in deep shit."
  • : Used to make a statement more forceful, as in "There is no way in Malachor that I'm going to lead this pitiful squad." Similar to the real-world idiom "in Hell," e.g. "There is no way in Hell I'm going!".
  • : A contemptible person. Real-world noun.
  • : SpecOps term for Very Dangerous.
  • : To be in deep trouble. Similar to the offensive real-world British English idiom "in the shit."
  • : Exclamation.Similar to the real-world idiom "in the name of God/Heaven."
  • : An exclamation. Similar to the real-world idiom "in the name of God/Heaven."
  • : An exclamation. Similar to the real-world idiom "in the name of Heaven."
  • : See .
  • : One of Lando Calrissian's mystical expletives; see .
  • : Expletive used by Lando Calrissian and Bassi Vobah; see .
  • : Another one of Lando Calrissian's mystical expletives; see .
  • : Yet another one of Lando Calrissian's mystical expletives; see .
  • : Into a strongly defended area. Similar to the real-world idiom "the lion's den," referring to a dangerous place or situation.
  • : A smuggler term used to describe a surprise appearance of ion weapons in a battle.
  • : A Yuuzhan Vong expletive, used to indicate one's displeasure with a situation.
  • : An Imperial Star Destroyer.


  • : A slang verb meaning "to deceive someone, leaving them in danger."
  • : A Rodian expletive.
  • : The Gwurran equivalent of ""—used as both a curse and expression of delight.
  • : An exclamation used by clone troopers, referring to their genetic source Jango Fett.
  • : A nickname for the Ardees beverage.
  • : In Mos Eisley, open comparisons to Jawas often refer to dishonesty; e.g., "Jawa trader."
  • : Mos Eisley slang for anyone who isn't honest, or trades in stolen or badly damaged goods.
  • : Idle rumors or gossip.
  • : Derogatory term for Jedi.
  • Jeedai: Alternate word for Jedi, used by the Yuuzhan Vong and some other people, like the NiktoBok and Tyr, and the Rodian Dejarro. Also the Huttese word for Jedi.
  • : Expletive referring to a largely unpleasant or unbearable individual. Real-world slang.
  • : An /Legends|alcoholic.
  • : A condescending nickname used by village-dwelling Ewoks to insult nomadic Ewoks, comparing their habits to those of the Jinda species.
  • : Alliance Intelligence slang for an assassin.
  • : An adjective meaning roughly "over-the top" or "ridiculous." Lorz Geptun used this to describe a uniform he wore.
  • : Military jargon for juggernaut.
  • : An insult.
  • : A condescending form of address Jaxxon used when speaking to enemies such as Warto and the Behemoth from the World Below. Real-world noun for a young person.
  • : Fleet Office slang for a fleet hauler that had been used for data collecting, also a term used for settlers on Ambria after the Battle of Ruusan
  • : Slang for a group of juveniles engaged in criminal activity.


  • : Used by members of the Yuuzhan Vongworker caste to refer to one of their peers.
  • : An insult translating from the Yuuzhan Vong language as "dung of a meat maggot"; a play on the Yuuzhan Vong word .
  • : A Kubaz expletive.
  • : Derogatory expletive.
  • : A coward, e.g. "You want to slink away like a kath hound banished from its pack."
  • : An insult.
  • : A coward; e.g. "Hide in the bushes like a scared little kath pup."
  • : Slang term for Kerkoidens.
  • : Slang term for cool or interesting. Real-world adjective.
  • : Slang in Palpatine's court for a stupid stunt where the gain is not proportioned to the risks.
  • : A term that means to finish two objectives in one move. Real-world idiom.
  • : An adjective meaning "very large," used by Luke Skywalker to describe sea-dragons. Real-world adjective.
  • : A term for the location where something that has been destroyed goes. Real-world noun.
  • : Non-canon phrase used to show disagreement. A parody of the vulgar real-world slang phrase "kiss my ass."
  • : Used to show a lack of respect for someone. Similar to the vulgar real-world slang phrase "kiss my ass."
  • : Slang term for kilometer. Real-world slang.
  • or : Huttese for "idiot."
  • : Orbital bombardment on planetary shields.
  • : Squib term for something cool and groovy.
  • : An expletive used by the Riileb people.
  • : An insult.
  • : An expletive. Since "kriffing" is believed to be the Star Wars version of "f*cking," "kriff" would be the Star Wars equivalent of the swear word "f*ck."
  • : A derogatory modifier version of "kriff". It is believed that Timothy Zahn created the word by reversing the "f" and the "k" from the term "fricking," which is a synonym of real-world swear-word f*cking.
  • : Used to tell someone that you didn't believe something that they said to you. Similar to the real-world idiom "the hell someone is/does."
  • : Used for showing anger with something, e.g. "new planets were supposed to be romantic, kriff it." Since "kriffing" is believed to be the Star Wars version of "f*cking," "kriff it" would be the Star Wars equivalent of "f*ck it."
  • : Exclamation.
  • : A Nikto expletive.
  • : Kinky Silver Armor. A SpecOps term for an Imperial radtrooper.
  • : A rare Cheunh curse. Reserved for intense or unusual situations due to the Chiss' non-emotional nature.
  • : A Huttese insult (or compliment) translating as "scum," as in "U kulle rah doe kankee kung," meaning "You are my kind of scum."
  • : An Ewok expletive.
  • : Expletive used by Morag.
  • : Queen.


  • : Elrood sector slang for blaster, referring to people who take the law into their own hands by using it. Also .
  • : Gallisportswoop gang slang. Nickname for the Legally Authorized Law Authorities that policed the city.
  • : GAR slang for LAAT/i gunships.
  • : An insult, e.g. "I don't know where you get your delusions, laserbrain." Similar to the real-world noun "birdbrain."
  • : Alderaanian slang for dying, following the destruction of Alderaan.
  • : An admirative exclamation.
  • : An admirative exclamation.
  • : Acronym for "light-emitting diode." Real-world terminology.
  • : Slang term for a fight involving blasters.
  • : Phrase implying the subject lies numerously and terribly. Similar to the real-world American English idiom "lie like a rug," meaning to lie constantly.
  • : Bithuband tagline. A pun on the real-world idiom "life's a bitch (and then you die)."
  • : Vector force exerted by a vehicle to counteract gravity.
  • : Gallisportswoop gang slang. A flamethrower.
  • : Armor crew term for infantry attached to tank units.
  • : Certainly not. Similar to the real-world phrase "like hell."
  • : Deal-slang for making many easy big deals from less than intelligent clients. Similar to the real-world phrase "like shooting fish in a barrell," meaning "extremely easy."
  • : Elrood sector slang for an informal sector-wide network of gossipers that passed secrets and rumors throughout the sector.
  • : Slang term for a large dust-ball, used around 7 ABY.
  • : Sullustan expression for something that is not true. Similar to the real-world idiom "a load of crap, nonsense, rubbish, etc."
  • : Referring to something that is not true. Similar to the real-world rude slang phrase "a load of shit."
  • : Crazy bounty hunters!
  • : Slang for any home-brewed alcoholic beverage.
  • : Acronym for "laugh out loud," used in e-mail to express that something is amusing. Real-world abbreviation.
  • : Artillery fire.
  • : To look very dirty. Similar to the real-world idiom "look like something the cat dragged in."
  • : Imperial slang for lieutenant.
  • : Huttese for "boss." "Ma lorda" was the Huttese equivalent of "my lord."
  • : An exclamation. Similar to real-world exclamations like "good lord", "oh lord" etc.
  • : Mos Eisley phrase for being totally unprepared for a given situation. Refers to getting lost in the Jundland Wastes.
  • : A curse.
  • : Alliance Intelligence slang for suicide pill.
  • : An Ewokese term meaning jerk, dummy, etc.
  • : An exclamation used by Ben Skywalker, meaning cool.
  • : A task or assignment that has become common or routine, or an endeavor that involves little to no risks. Similar to the real-world noun "milk run."
  • : Term given to smugglers who made difficult or even impossible runs look common or routine. It was also a term to describe individuals who gained a reputation for doing easy work or handling low-risk assignments. Similar to the real-world noun "milk run."


  • : Term for a Wookiee who has lashed out against another Wookiee with their claws, which is considered dishonorable and/or a sign of insanity in Wookiee culture.
  • : A derogatory term for Mandalorian shock troopers, used by Old Republic troops.
  • : A juvenile slang term with the implied meaning of very or totally, used in the Tapani sector of the galaxy.
  • : Used to wish an individual good luck or good will.
  • : Eickarie version of greetings with reply .
  • : A phrase used by SyndicMitth'ras'safis before his death aboard Outbound Flight and Senior CaptainMitth'raw'nuruodo during his campaign prior to the Battle of Outbound Flight.
  • or : Maximum magnification, like in "maxmag that," which means "magnify that."
  • : A derogatory term coined by HK-47 to describe any organic being; HK-47 first used this term in reference to Malak.
  • : Slang for soldier, referring to armor. The term was also used to reference clone commandos.
  • : A derogatory term for clone troopers.
  • : Slang for droids and other self-operating machinery.
  • : A medical laboratory. Alternately, .
  • : A euphemism for death, in particular during a duel or other conflict. Can be used directly towards the opponent (using the second person possessive for the subject of the phrase) or in reference to someone having been killed in a duel.
  • : Beautiful.
  • : A mild expletive.
  • : Exclamation. Similar to the real-world phrase "holy shit"; see .
  • : An underground miner.
  • : An exclamation. This also refers to the followers of the darksiderXendor during the Jedi conflict known as the First Great Schism.
  • : A rare Cheunh expletive, roughly translated to "fair-haired," implying that something about the person was non-Chiss.
  • : Young moisture farmers who come to Mos Eisley headstrong and lacking common sense. Refers to anyone who doesn't know their way around. Highly offensive in farming communities.
  • : Deal-slang for many easy big deals from less than intelligent clients. Similar to the real-world phrase "like shooting fish in a barrell," meaning "extremely easy."
  • : A futile search. Similar to the real-world phrase wild goose chase.
  • : An Ansionian expletive, often used by the Gwurran.
  • : An expletive. It could refer to nonsense, e.g. "pure mopak"; trouble, e.g. ""; a bad situation, e.g. "all the mopak Jax had been through"; or something of bad quality, e.g. "He's a mopak bodyguard." It could also be used as an insult, such as "the stupid mopak"; or as an exclamation, e.g. "." The phrase "" meant to terrify someone. The use of the word is similar to the real-world swear word "shit."
  • : A stupid or foolish individual.
  • : Element of Tatooine cities (e.g. Mos Eisley).
  • : Used by Treve to refer to a group of Separatistremote droids.
  • : Alliance Intelligence slang for case officer.
  • : An exclamation. Similar to the real-world interjection "mother of God."
  • : A curse, as in "What the blinkin' mradhe muck is going on here?"
  • : An abbreviation of "Meals ready to regurgitate," the name given by Rebel Alliance fighter pilots to food provided by Imperial forces after capture
  • : Much regret, unable.
  • : An insult. Also .
  • : Armor crew term for infantry attached to walker units.
  • : An insult meaning unskilled or incompetent.
  • : An expression of unease, as in "gave her the mulligrubs." Similar to the real-world phrase "give someone the creeps."
  • : A Stassian expletive, indicating a form of excrement.
  • : An insult; derogatory spacer term. See also .
  • : (v) To scavenge or steal from another, to profit from another's accomplishment or loot from another's kill (e.g., "someone comes along and mynocks your kill"). Also a non-canon insult, e.g. "crazy old mynock."
  • : An expletive similar to .
  • : An exclamation.


  • : A Rebel Alliance term for the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate.
  • : A phrase used by Grand Army of the Republic leaders to refer to a personal disagreement between men
  • : A slang term for a person that installs computer systems.
  • : Expression used by Jaina Solo and Tahiri Veila to mean "that's negative" or "false."
  • : A negative interjection essentially meaning "no."
  • : Clone Wars-era slang for Neimoidians.
  • : An overstaged presentation. Similar to the real-world "dog and pony show."
  • : An insult. Similar to the real-world noun "piece of shit."
  • : Individuals who herded members of the nerfspecies; used as an insult. The corresponding adjective for the insult "nerf herder" was ""; when Salla Zend was reunited with her former lover Han Solo, she referred to him as a "nerf-herdin' son of a —."
  • : An insult.
  • : A curse used on Nar Shaddaa.
  • : A Ysannan curse.
  • : An insult referring to mental stability.
  • : Slang for a native of the Stenness Node.
  • : A Basic term for anyone from the same hive or colony.
  • : A small piece of news that was delivered quickly
  • : Normal For Qiilura. Slang used by clone commandos during a mission on Qiilura.
  • : Gambler slang for any being very obviously carrying weapons, such as bounty hunters. The opposite of
  • : Term used by inhabitants of Tatooine for small insects active during the night.
  • : An area separating two or more opposing ground forces, but unclaimed by none. Often reduced to a wasteland, and virtually always dangerous. Similar to the real-world noun "no-man's land."
  • : Used as an expression of surprise. Similar to the real-world offensive idiom "no shit."
  • : A new addition to a military unit; often pejorative. Can also refer to a veteran making a rookie mistake. The corresponding adjective was ."Noob" is a real-world noun for an inexperienced person.
  • : A term Leia Organa Solo used to describe the mindless activities of most politicians' lives.
  • : Not entirely sane.
  • : A Korun phrase, meaning not to care about something at all. Similar to the real-world offensive idiom "not give a shit."
  • : An insult used by Jolli to describe Han Solo in response to his insulting her; exact meaning uncertain; compare .
  • : An Alliance Intelligence term for Imperial Security and ISB personnel.
  • : Nice Red Uniform. SpecOps slang for Imperial Royal Guardsmen.
  • : Slang noun for a crazy person. Real-world noun.
  • : Slang adjective for crazy. Real-world word.


  • : Crazy. Similar to the real-world idiom "off your rocker."
  • : Expression of dismay, usually used in anger or frustration. Offensive real-world interjection.
  • : Gungan exclamation. Phonetically similar to the real-world idiom "my oh my."
  • : Exclamation of surprise or incredulity from the real world.
  • : Exclamation of surprise from the real world.
  • : Exclamation, similar to the real-world phase "oh my God/goodness."
  • : An exclamation. Real-world interjection.
  • : A term used to describe the Galactic Republic as far back as the Mandalorian Wars, when it was used by Cassus Fett. It was also used to refer to the Old Republic in the days of the Separatist Crisis/Clone Wars (promoting the Confederacy'sNew Order) and the Galactic Empire (in contrast to the term "New Order"), or to refer to the original Jedi Order after the establishment of the New Jedi Order. Also used by Darth Krayt when he took over the Fel Empire and the galaxy.
  • : Retirement; to a spacer.
  • : Retirement for spacers.
  • : A term used by Han Solo to describe or address old men such as Don-Wan Kihotay and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Real-world noun.
  • : Expression of awesomeness.
  • : An insult. "Egg-sucking" is similar to the real-world noun "suck-egg," referring to someone who is young, stupid, or despicable. "Sons of slime-devils", is similar to the real-world idiom "son of a bitch."
  • : Proverb used by Obi-Wan Kenobi; one instance of an event does not necessarily indicate a trend. Similar to the real-world phrase "one swallow does not make a summer."
  • : Following someone closely. Similar to the real-world phrase "(hot) on someone's heels."
  • : Used to describe something difficult, e.g., "We'll have one Stang of a time getting them to surface again." Similar to the real-world phrase "one hell of a time."
  • : Huttese for "outlander."
  • : Meaning someone has said something inappropriate.
  • : Acronym for Ordnance/Regional Depot. Often an element in place names, for instance Ord Mantell, Ord Cestus, or Ord Pardron.
  • : A derogatory term coined by HK-50s to describe any organic being. This term made HK-47 very upset, prompting him to say, "'Anger' would be an understatement for the heat that builds up in my behavior core when these cheap imitations make their presence felt throughout the galaxy."
  • : "What in the name of the Original Light…" was used as a mild oath, perhaps pertaining to creation.
  • : Alliance Intelligence slang for disbanding an intelligence network, thereby "orphaning" the agents in the field.
  • : Mandalorian expletive, referring to excrement. Similar to the real-world swear word "shit."
  • : A day of reflection, coined by Jedi but also observed in many parts of the galaxy.
  • : Apparently, the Alwari term for "oh."
  • : A phrase meaning "escaped from danger" used by Han Solo. Real-world idiom.
  • : A term used to describe the outer hull of a starship, something mounted on the hull of a ship, or something outside the ship entirely.
  • : A term used to describe or address someone from a different planet. Real-world noun for someone who hails from another country or area.
  • : Another term used to describe or address someone from a different planet.


  • : Alliance Intelligence slang for to kill.
  • : A phrase used by Kal Skirata's trained group of Null ARCs to describe the amount of explosives needed in any given situation.
  • : A dismissive or derisive Ansionian term.
  • : An expression used for something that caused discomfort or was otherwise troublesome. Similar to the real-world offensive idiom "pain in the ass/butt."
  • : Challenging the popular opinion by voicing an opposing view in order to encourage discussion and thought on the topic. Similar to the real-world noun "devil's advocate."
  • : An expression used when a person doubted someone else. A reference to Palpatine's deception.
  • : A term commonly used for Chancellor/Emperor Palpatine by Omega and Delta squads.
  • : A defined space to park surface vehicles.
  • : Friend, sweetie, darling.
  • : A term used for a very good pazaak player; usually indicating that the player in question is posing as a novice in order to sucker large amounts of money from their victims.
  • : Great. Real-world adjective.
  • : A Huttese insult, translating loosely as punk.
  • : To forcefully peel open; often used by starfighter pilots in reference to an enemy ship.
  • : Pronunciation of the acronym for "principal weapons officer"; in use aboard Republic naval ships during the Clone Wars.
  • : An adjective used by Crimson Jack to describe Han Solo after robbing him of treasure, meaning "without money." Real-world adjective.
  • : Term for a person from the Corellian system, that was thereby eligble for marriage to a member of the Ensterite, a Corellian sect which forbade marriage with anyone from outside the system.
  • : A Mandalorian expletive.
  • : Slang for a choice between equally bad outcomes. Originates from miners in the Lythos system which had to choose whether to work on fiery Lythos I or frigid .
  • or merely : Very easy. Real-world idiom.
  • : Slang for an attractive woman.
  • : A Gwurran expletive, used when one was frustrated.
  • : A Gwurran expletive, used when one was frustrated.
  • : A derogatory statement used by Gamorreans.
  • or : Slang term used by aliens such as Kerlo and Warto to address humans.
  • : Derogatory term used to describe the IG-86 sentinel droid series, as Ahsoka Tano referred to them.
  • : A term used by pilots,Jedi, Mandalorians—Mandalorians always had a plan B "just in case"— and Dark Lord of the SithDarth Caedus. It referred to a backup plan; when used in the context of a mercenary or soldier, it could refer to additional soldiers ready to support a soldier even if that soldier felt he or she would not need help. Some beings, such as Han Solo, sometimes didn't prepare any "plan B," sticking with just the primary "plan A" (B being the second letter in the High Galactic alphabet and A the first). During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi asked Anakin Skywalker, "Do you have a plan B?" when they were trapped in ray shields aboard The Invisible Hand. Real-world noun.
  • : A term to describe the act of landing on a planet. Adapted from the real-world noun "landfall."
  • : Rebel slang for stormtrooper or any Imperial in armor.
  • : SpecOps term for a stormtrooper.
  • : Alliance Intelligence slang for Imperial Intelligence.
  • : Slang term commonly used by Invid pilots, in reference to the T-65 X-wing starfighter.
  • : A Huttese term meaning "fodder," a coarse type of food for livestock. Used as a swear word, and also as a term for nonsense, or someone or something that a person disliked. The word and its various meanings are similar to the real-world impolite word "shit."
  • : Gallisportswoop gang slang. A . So-called because of the distinctive popping sound the weapon made.
  • : To disembark from a vehicle.
  • : A insult.
  • : The series of instrumentation and mechanical checks made aboard a starship prior to takeoff.
  • : A colloquial term for someone who makes pretzels.
  • : Juvenile equivalent to "cool." Similar to "wizard."
  • : Elrood sector slang for someone or something that is perceived as useless. Short for protocol droid.
  • : An as yet unknown disgusting act or natural phenomenon; possibly some variation of defecating, putrefying, or both.
  • : Plastic Soldier Carrier. SpecOps term for an Imperial AT-AT walker.
  • : Walker crew term for repulsortanks.
  • : Walker crew term for repulsortank crews.
  • : A term used to describe a Jedi who had disobeyed the Jedi Code by marrying. The term originated from the exploits of the rogue PadawanJolee Bindo.
  • : The act of entering coordinates into a navigation computer prior to making the jump to lightspeed.
  • or : A slang term indicating perfect, derived from a winning pazaak/sabacc hand. Similar to the real-world exclamation "bingo."
  • : A Drach'nam expletive.
  • : Used to tell someone to wait, slow down.
  • : A Yuuzhan Vong expletive.


  • : Elrood sector slang for going for one end of the Elrood-Derilyn Trade Route to the other.
  • : Elrood sector slang for going for one end of the Elrood-Derilyn Trade Route to the other, and making it to Derilyn.
  • : A curse word.
  • : Leaving a planet in a starship or the act of lifting off. Similar to the real-world phrase "raise sail", meaning to begin a journey, especially on water.
  • : Slang term for a swoop.
  • : To overwhelm, crush. Similar to the real-world verb "steamroll."
  • : An insult. Similar to the real-world noun "suck-egg," referring to someone who is young, stupid, or despicable.
  • or : Corporate slang for "raw materials."
  • : A term used by inhabitants of backwater planets to describe blaster technology.
  • : Acronym for "Republic commando."
  • : Acronym for "Request the Pleasure of your Company."
  • : Term used by fighter pilots in reference to dialing down an inertial compensator to get a tactile feel for the movements of their ships.
  • : Term for data produced by a data bank or electronic measuring instrument; a video monitor linked to a data storage and retrieval system.
  • : Slang term for support personnel, usually not fit for combat or heavy duty, in the military.
  • : Disdainful term for a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, used almost exclusively by Imperials.
  • : Rebel trooper response to the above insult.
  • : Acronym for "Rapid Entry By Jedi," used by Galactic Alliance Guard.
  • : Slang for the Red Guards who protected the Supreme Chancellor and later the Emperor.
  • : Military term for requesting immediate extraction.
  • : Short for "reconnaissance." Real-world British English noun.
  • : Associate of the Republic; used during the Clone Wars. Also used about associates of the New Republic.
  • : "Ridge-head" is slang for Rodians, but the meaning of "parachute" here is unknown.
  • : A term given to piloting the orbital climate control mirrors on Coruscant.
  • : Slur referring to the inhabitants of the systems in the Outer Rim. During the Pius Dea Era, it was used by Pius DeaFaithful to refer to alien converts.
  • : Slang for a being hailing from the Outer Rim.
  • : Slang for "planet." Sometimes used degradingly to refer to barren worlds like Tatooine.
  • : Elrood sector slang for miners.
  • : Slang for a starfighterpilot.
  • : A slang term Jaxxon applies to himself, perhaps meaning a Lepispacer.
  • : Speeder bike-mounted scouts.
  • : A swear word; could also be used as an insult. Similar to the rude real-world British English noun/exclamation "bugger."
  • : Short for Rodian.
  • : Clone trooper slang for a Hailfire droid. Also slang for a droideka, used amongst the clone commandos.
  • : Clone trooper slang for droidekas.
  • : Another slang for droidekas, as Ahsoka Tano referred to them.
  • : Elrood sector slang for anyone born or having spent most of their life in the sector.
  • : Slang name given to new recruits of the GAR by older, more battle-worn clones. Same as "shinie." Real-world noun for someone who has just begun a career and lacks expertise, particularly someone who has just joined the armed forces or police.
  • : Expletive similar to the real-world phrase "damn you."
  • : Gallisportswoop gang slang. Standing for "Real Things" – actual law enforcement officials who remain safe behind the walled sections of Gallisport.
  • : Elrood sector slang for blaster, referring to people who take the law into their own hands by using it. Also .
  • : Elrood sector nickname for the Elrood-Derilyn Trade Route.
  • : A run-down vehicle. Real-world British English slang.
  • : Short for rendezvous, either the noun or the verb. Can also refer to the location of a rendezvous.


  • : An expression to hide one's true emotions. Similar to the real-world term "poker face."
  • : Mos Eisley slang for something worthless; something that anyone with common sense should know better than to get involved with.
  • : SpecOps term for a sandtrooper.
  • : Abbreviation for Super Battle Droid.
  • : An expletive or exclamation used by Leia Organa Solo.
  • : To terrify someone. Similar to the real-world rude slang phrase "scare the shit out of."
  • : To terrify someone. Similar to the real-world rude slang phrase "scare the shit out of."
  • : A derogatory term for a Yuuzhan Vong.
  • : Insult specific to Twi'lekfemales, derived from the name of a weasel-like creature native to Ryloth.
  • : An insult. Similar to the real-world noun phrase "son of a bitch."
  • : Slang for where droids go when outmoded.
  • : A derogatory term for CIS battle droids. Officers were known to use the term when they were frustrated at having incompetent troops.
  • : A phrase meaning "go away!" Similar to the real-world American English expression "go pound sand."
  • : To scream or shriek in pain, loudly. Similar to the real-world idiom "squeal like a stuck pig."
  • : A derogatory modifier.
  • : A small, two-shot weapon disguised to appear as a document.
  • : An insult, used to refer to bounty hunters,rebels or any other undesirable individuals. Real-world term.
  • or : Gossip, usually among military forces, that pertains to concurrent or forthcoming events; the rumor mill. "Scuttlebutt" is a real-world American English noun.
  • : Galaxy-wide slang for a public security officer. See also: .
  • : An exclamation. Similar to the real-world phrase "I'll see you in hell."
  • : Elrood sector slang for pirates.
  • : Electronic search technique used by security services to locate concealed objects.
  • : Slang for a Separatist. See also: or
  • : Slang for a group of Separatists. Commonly used by Omega and Delta Squad.
  • : Slang term for Separatist.
  • : Slang for the act of landing a starship.
  • : Impolite emphatic adjective in Mando'a
  • : Elrood sector slang for Wookiees, generally used affectionally, but sometimes derisively.
  • : A word used in the Tython systembefore the Republic that could mean "excrement" or be used as an insult or expletive. Phrases include "[you] little shak," "scare the shak out of me," "shak on [someone]," and "for shak's sake."
  • : A trial run for a new or repaired starship to determine whether the vessel was spaceworthy.
  • : A metaphor implying collusion or connection.
  • : A term used by Crimson Jack to describe Han Solo, apparently meaning a "sharp-witted person."
  • : A Laerdocian expletive.
  • : An old Mistryl battle curse.
  • : An expletive used by the farmers of Pakrik Minor. Translates roughly as feces.
  • : Mando'a for backside or rear.
  • : A Haruun Kal curse.
  • : A vulgar term to describe one who someone despises. Near-identical to real-world noun "shit."
  • : Slang for a rookie clone trooper.
  • : Slang for clone commando.
  • : Slang for lightsaber.
  • : Slang term commonly used by Invidpilots, in reference to disabling a target with ion cannons.
  • : Do something you should not have. Similar to the real-world idiom "put your foot in your mouth."
  • : Derogatory remark referring to the accuracy of military and criminal forces or droids.
  • : Elrood sector slang for engaging the hyperdrive.
  • : Insult used by Aurra Sing about Allana. Real-world insult for an ill-tempered woman .
  • : A curse.
  • : Gallisportswoop gang slang for a seatbelt.
  • : A Mandalorian exclamation.
  • : A slang term for a Sith.
  • : An expletive used when shocked. Similar to the real-world rude British English exclamation "bugger me."
  • : An expletive. Could also be used as a metaphor for a contemptible person, e.g. "He's the Sithspawn who gave us up to the Imps"; or to emphasize a statement, e.g. "nervous as Sithspawn." Could also refer to a specific kind of creature mutated or created by Sith alchemy. Similar to the real-world noun hellspawn, used in fiction about creatures from Hell. In real life, it is used to refer to any monster or vicious person.
  • : An expletive used throughout the galaxy. Similar to the real-world vulgar noun "bullshit."
  • : An open target that can easily picked off. Real-world noun.
  • : A vulnerable target. Similar to the real-world noun "sitting duck."
  • : Grand Army of the Republic slang for an acronym meant to encourage proper mission planning. Tactfully translated by RC-1309 to Jedi PadawanBardan Jusik as "Proper Planning Prevents Pi...Inadequate Performance."
  • : A narcotic. Skefta dens, controlled by the Huttese syndicate, were popular in the Outer Rim Territories around 1 ABY.
  • : A prisoner/bounty.
  • : A phrase meaning that a secret has been revealed. Similar to the real-world phrase "let the cat out of the bag."
  • : An illegal face-changing sabacc card often employed by cheaters.
  • : New Republic/Galactic Alliance fighter pilot slang for a coralskipper.
  • : An expletive; variant . Similar to the real-world swear word "damn" and the exclamation "damn it."
  • : Derogatory modifier used by Jariah Syn. Similar to the real-world swear word "f*cking."
  • : An insult. Also used in the exclamation .
  • : Slang term commonly used by Invid pilots, in reference to the Z-95 Headhunter starfighter.
  • : An insult, possibly of Barabel origin.
  • : A term used to address starfighterpilots.
  • : Gallisport swoop gang slang. A swear word. Phrases included "" and "." Phonetically similar to the real-word word "damn" and the phrases "damn it" and "damn you."
  • : An artillery barrage. "" indicated a light barrage, while "" meant a heavy barrage.
  • : A Hutt exclamation.
  • : One who is highly skilled in the technical aspects of computers. Also , etc. A pun on the real-world nouns "hacker" and "hacking."
  • : A Huttese insult, pronounced slay-mo, and translating as "slimeball." "Slimeball" is a real-world noun for an unpleasant person.
  • : Slang term commonly used by Invid pilots, in reference to the RZ-1 A-wing interceptor.
  • : Derogatory term used by Mama the Hutt.
  • or : Derogatory term used by Han Solo. Similar to the real-world noun "suck-egg," referring to someone who is young, stupid, or despicable.
  • : A metaphor implying precision or excellence.
  • : Slang term for slugthrower.
  • : Term for any projectile-based weapon.
  • : To beat up severely. Similar to the real-world idiom "beat the shit out of."
  • : Alliance Intelligence slang for Imperial Security.
  • : A derogatory term used for Tiss'shar. Real-world derogatory word for a treacherous person.
  • : A derogatory modifier.
  • : An expletive.
  • : A derisive Ansionian term, used by the Alwari nomads, to describe another individual, particularly one from a different tribal clan, in a rude way.
  • : An expletive used for disbelief in a statement made by someone else. A pun on the real-world noun "hogwash."
  • : A contemptible person. Real-world noun.
  • : Slang for Imperial stormtroopers.
  • : Small spacecraft like X-wings or TIE Fighters that are seen as expendable.
  • , : Slang for unfortunate beings. "Sod" is an offensive real-world British English word for a person, or someone or something considered difficult or unpleasant.
  • : Imaginary circular plane emanating from a star. The ecliptic's orientation was defined by the average of the majority of the system's orbital bodies.
  • : An insult. Similar to the real-world noun phrase "son of a bitch."
  • : See .
  • : An insult. Real-world noun phrase.
  • : An exclamation. Similar to the real-world noun phrase "son-of-a-bitch."
  • : See .
  • : A mild insult. Real-world slang for a rogue or rascal.
  • : Exclamation of surprise. Similar to the real-world noun phrase "son-of-a-bitch."
  • : See .
  • : An insult. Similar to the real-world noun phrase "son-of-a-bitch."
  • : See .
  • : See .
  • : See .
  • : See .
  • : Exclamation, similar to the real-world noun phrase "son of a bitch."
  • : See .
  • : See .
  • : See .
  • : See . Similar to the real-world noun phrase "son of a bitch."
  • : An insult. Similar to the real-world noun phrase "son-of-a-bitch."
  • : An exclamation used to express disappointment. Similar to the real-world noun phrase "son of a bitch."
  • : See .
  • : A Gamorrean curse. Similar to the real-world noun phrase "son of a bitch."
  • : See ..
  • : See .
  • : Slang for a Force-sensitive, used by Admiral Motti to refer to Darth Vader.
  • : Slang term for killing a person by exposing them to the vacuum of space, usually by launching them out of an airlock.
  • : Slang for a lascivious male, used by Jolli to insult her fellow pirates when they tried to kiss her.
  • : An insult Han Solo uses to refer to the Star-Hoppers of Aduba-3.
  • : A phrase used by Jolli, apparently meaning "empty talk." Similar to the real-world noun "hot air."
  • : An insult used by Han Solo to describe spacers who attacked him on Aduba-3, perhaps meaning "insane"; compare "nova-happy."
  • : Forget it.
  • : Slang term used to describe individuals who live most of their lives in space.
  • : Slang for an ugly spacer, used by Amaiza Foxtrain to insult the Cloud-Riders.
  • : An interjection.
  • : An insult. Similar to the real-world noun phrase "son of a bitch."
  • : An insult. Similar to the real-world noun phrase "son of a bitch."
  • : Proverbial expression denoting achieving multiple goals with little effort. Similar to the real-world idiom "kill two birds with one stone."
  • : Slang for any narcotic or otherwise intoxicating substance that is not ingested through drinking.
  • : The technique Obi-Wan used to defeat Darth Maul.
  • : Gallisport swoop gang slang for spice.
  • : Made something sound more dramatic than it is.
  • : Expletive used by the DugKeluda. Phonetically similar to the real-world offensive phrase "f*ck that."
  • : A nickname for the Quarrenspecies.
  • : Slang term commonly used by Rebel/Republic pilots, in reference to the TIE/IN interceptor.
  • : Abbreviation for Super Star Destroyer.
  • : An expletive, e.g. "Where in eight Stalbringion hells did that come from?"
  • : General term for artillery crewers.
  • : An Alderaanian swear word. Could also be used as an idiom to show that a person did not care about someone, such as, "Stang the kid anyway," or as an adjective, e.g. "the stang thing." Similar to the real-world swear word "damn."
  • : Derogatory modifier, such as, "Queen of the stanging Sith." Similar to the real-world swear word "f*cking."
  • : Starfighters operating inside the planetary shield.
  • : A curse apparently expressing doubt.
  • : Another term for spacer.
  • : According to Skids, if you put too much ordnance on a K-wing, you got a "mean-looking, chip-on-a-shoulder, fixing-for-trouble star kitty."
  • : An exclamation.
  • : An exclamation.
  • : An exclamation.
  • : A curse, referring to the penal colony located at one of the farthest ends of the galaxy in the Corporate Sector.
  • : Used as a way of addressing someone. Similar to the real-world British English form of address "sunshine."
  • : Narrator's description of PrincessLeia's tone of voice when she tries to convince Luke Skywalker to kill her instead of allowing her to be taken alive by Darth Vader, as seen in the novel Splinter of the Mind's Eye. In the comic adaptation, Vader calls Leia a "steel kitten" during their duel on Mimban.
  • : Non-canon term for doing something stupid. Similar to the real-world idiom "step on someone's toes," meaning to upset someone.
  • : A dull person who avoids trying new things. Similar to the real-world noun "stick-in-the-mud."
  • : An insult.
  • : To do something that causes trouble. Similar to the real-world idiom "stir up a hornet's nest."
  • : To stop suddenly. Real-world idiom.
  • : Gallisport swoop gang slang for Imperial stormtroopers.
  • : Huttese for "fool."
  • : Elrood sector slang for the planet Torina, which is one stop short of the end of the Elrood-Derilyn Trade Route.
  • : A slang term for stormtroopers.
  • : Gallisport [swoop gang slang for Imperial Army troopers.
  • : Gambler slang for any being who appears to be unarmed. The opposite of .
  • : Gallisport swoop gang slang acronym for "Slagged Up Beyond All Repair."
  • : Insult referring to someone easily deceived. Real-world noun.
  • : Expression describing circumstances as welcome as a pressure leak.
  • : An exclamation of anger.
  • : An exclamation of impatience.
  • : A colloquial term used by fighterpilots to describe the Z-95 Headhunter.
  • : Alliance SpecOp term for an Imperial Security Bureau agent.
  • : Clone trooper helmet.
  • : Mos Eisley slang for Tatooine.
  • : Clone trooper for Clone Commando.
  • : A warship larger and/or more powerful than a Star Destroyer but similar in shape.
  • : Elrood sector slang for TIE fighters.
  • : An exclamation similar to the real-world exclamation "sweet Mary, mother of God."
  • : An exclamation. Similar to the real-world exclamation "sweet Mary, mother of God."
  • : An exclamation. Similar to the real-world exclamation "sweet Mary, mother of God."
  • : An exclamation. Similar to the real-world exclamation "sweet Mary, mother of God."
  • : An exclamation used among droids corresponding to "sod off!" or "shut up!"
  • : Gallisport swoop gang slan for a swoop gang member.
  • : A member of a swoop-bike gang.


  • : A type of game. Similar to the real-world noun "cat and mouse," a type of behavior akin to that of a cat playing with its prey, such as toying with or tormenting someone before killing them, or an intricate game involving endless pursuit, almost getting caught and narrowly escaping.
  • : Slang for Twi'leks.
  • : Used by Han Solo to address Warto. A parody of the real-world phrase "tall, dark and handsome", a cliché used to describe the archetypal attributes of an attractive man, often embodied in the protagonists of romance books and movies.
  • : Elrood sector slang for an unlucky person who was caught by the Empire while trying to complete the Elrood-Derilyn Trade Route.
  • : Threatening Armored Man. SpecOps term for an armored Imperial Storm Commando.
  • : Pilot and gunner term for armored vehicles. Heavy tank are "slow targets," AT-ATs are "slow easy targets," speeders or light tanks are "fast targets."
  • : An insectoid addicted to black membrosia.
  • : An Imperial exclamation, after Grand MoffTarkin's death.
  • : Exclamatory phrase used by the VelabriQuillin Arkell.
  • : In Mos Eisley, the Imperial reference for Tatooine'stwin suns, Tatoo I and Tatoo II.
  • : Elrood sector acronym for "too cute to live."
  • or : "Throw Money At It"; slang used by builders and mechanics.
  • : An expression of relief. Used by C-3PO to refer to his creator, rather than an organic referring to a deity. Similar to the real-world idiom "thank God."
  • : An expression of relief. Real-world interjection.
  • : A phrase used by Boba Fett in reference to space.
  • : An expletive.
  • : Used to emphasize that there will be serious trouble. Real world idiom.
  • : Meaning that there is more than one way to achieve an aim. Similar to the real world saying "there's more than one way to skin a cat."
  • : A phrase referring to starfighter combat.
  • : To do something that keeps a plan or activity from succeeding. Similar to the real-world British phrase "put/throw a spanner in the works."
  • : To do something that keeps someone's plans from succeeding. Similar to the real-world British phrase "put/throw a spanner in the works."
  • : To do something to keep someone's talks from succeeding. Similar to the real-world British phrase "put/throw a spanner in the works."
  • : Elrood sector slang for cute species such as Bilars. A pronunciation of , an acronym for "too cute to live."
  • : SpecOps term for an Imperial AT-AT swimmer.
  • : Slang for droids. Commonly used by the Omega Squad members and clone commandos trained by Walon Vau.
  • : Tanker crew term for stormtroopers.
  • : Short for telekinesis.
  • : Three-Letter Acronym. An is an Extended Three-Letter Acronym; that is, a four-letter acronym.
  • : Gallisportswoop gang slang. A thermal detonator.
  • : A slang term Jaxxon used to address women such as Amaiza Foxtrain.
  • : Gallisportswoop gang slang. A blaster.
  • : Slang for a torpedo, usually proton torpedoes or flechette torpedoes.
  • : Very resilient, hard to kill, like the seven-legged septoid (Eriaduan phrase).
  • : Mos Eisley slang for a person unable to get anything done. Name actually refers to GovernorTour Aryon's widely regarded inability to accomplish anything, i.e., "Tour-ist." Deliberately confusing to visitors.
  • : Alliance Intelligence slang for infiltrated by Imperial Intelligenceagents.
  • : Elrood sector word for a grain plant grown on Merisee.
  • : Elrood sector slang for drunk; seemingly referring to toz, a grain plant brewed into an alcoholic beverage called utoz.
  • : Elrood sector slang for bounty hunters.
  • : General armored crew slang for infantry.
  • : A weakness that all capital cruisers had.
  • : Too badly injured; not expected to survive despite medical attention.
  • : Slang term commonly used by Rebel/Republic pilots, in reference to the TIE Defender.
  • : Slang term used by clone troopers to refer to anti-aircraft artillery.
  • : Military term for the firing of three blaster bolts in quick succession.
  • : Military slang for Coruscant, due to its hyperspace coordinates.
  • : An insult. Real-world British English derogatory word for a promiscuous or untidy woman.
  • : SpecOps term for causing an opposing vehicle to crash spectacularly. ("That's tronned it.")
  • : A fat being.
  • : A Ysannan curse.
  • : A Yuuzhan Vong insult, translating loosely as "wicked slave."
  • : A Korun term for nonsense, or something of bad quality. See also . Similar to the real-world vulgar noun "bullshit."
  • : A reference to the BX-series droid commando made by either Captain Rex or Commander Cody.
  • : An insult. Similar to the real-world noun "egg-sucker."



  • : Alliance Intelligence slang for removing known Imperialagents. Also deal-slang for insuring or preventing a deal from falling apart.
  • : An insult.
  • : Alliance Intelligence slang for deep undercover.
  • : An exclamation.
  • : An exclamation.
  • or : Short for "vaporize." Starfighter pilot slang for destroying a target, especially in a dogfight.
  • : An unskilled pilot who makes an easy target.
  • : A modifier.
  • : An exclamation.
  • : Exclamation of surprise, most likely Huttese in origin.
  • : A Kerestian curse.
  • : A short version of !
  • : Yuuzhan Vong word used as an insult, it is the name of a filthy Yuuzhan Vong animal.
  • : A slang word that pilots of the Rebel Alliance used in reference to a Victory-class Star Destroyer.
  • : A short version of "video link."
  • : A treacherous person. Real-world literary noun.
  • : Incorrect abbreviation for the Yuuzhan Vong which implied sacrilege and insult.
  • : Expletive used by Tycho Celchu.


  • : Term used by the winged S'kytrispecies for individuals who were incapable of flying.
  • : Derogatory term Leia Organa once applied to Chewbacca, referring to his shaggy coat.
  • : SpecOps term for a grenade.
  • : Repulsor-crew term for hovercraft.
  • : A phrase attributed to Garbelian, who spoke it at Averam. SithmercenaryJarrow Rusher said this to encourage a clumsy recruit in the Rusher's Brigade.
  • : A phrase referring to a feeling of tiredness after traveling in hyperspace. Similar to the real-world adjective "jet-lagged."
  • : Term for a person who failed to make a certain cut. Jedi PadawanTyzen Xebec used the term for Agricultural Corps member Sanya when the pair met on first met on Ukio.
  • : A phrase among the clones of the Grand Army of the Republic referring to incompetence of a fellow clone.
  • : A Dantari saying referring to a problem that can't be solved.
  • : Exclamation used to express astonishment. Real-world expression.
  • : A term used by Republic Commandos to designate non-droid targets.
  • : Elrood sector slang term for a bar.
  • : A derogatory term for clone troopers and clone commandos.
  • : Used as an intensifier. "Frizz" is similar to the real-world slang word "frick," a euphemism for the offensive swear word "f*ck".
  • or : Used as an intensifier, e.g. "What the kriff are you--" or "whatever the kriff was happening to him." Since "kriff" is believed to be the Star Wars version of the swear word "f*ck," "whatever the kriff" would be similar to the real-world offensive phrases "what the f*ck" and "whatever the f*ck."
  • or : Used as an intensifier, e.g. "Whatever the stang her paymaster called itself" or "What the stang have you done to me?". Similar to the real-world phrases "whatever the hell" and "what the hell."
  • : An exclamation from the real world.
  • : An exclamation. Variant of the real-world exclamation "what in the blue blazes."
  • : Expression was used to express shock or surprise, e.g. "What in the universe was that?". Similar to the real-world phrase "what in the world…".
  • : An exclamation. Similar to the real-world idiom "what on earth."
  • : Elrood sector slang term, meaning "What's the price?".
  • : Used by Han Solo when being threatened by Warto. Real-world phrase.
  • : Exclamation from the real world.
  • : An interjection, e.g. "What the bloah is that?" Similar to the real-world phrase "what the hell."
  • : An interjection, e.g. "What the chubba is going on!". Similar to the real-world phrase "what the hell."
  • : An exclamation from the real world, with "deuce" being a minced oath for "devil".
  • : Phrase used to express anger. Real-world exclamation.
  • : Exclamation used to express anger. Phonetically similar to the real-world vulgar slang phrase "what the f*ck."
  • : Used as an intensifer, e.g. "What the stinkin' stang's goin' on." Similar to the real-world phrase "what the bloody hell."
  • : Used as an intensifer, e.g. "Perhaps? What the varp do you mean, perhaps?" Similar to the real-world phrase "what the hell."
  • : An exclamation of surprise at a spectacle or event. Real-world exclamation.
  • : Used as an intensifier. "Frizz" is similar to the real-world slang word "frick," a euphemism for the offensive swear word "f*ck."
  • : Non-canon phrase meaning "extremely unlikely." Similar to the real-world phrase "when pigs fly."
  • : Extremely unlikely. Similar to the real-world phrase "when pigs fly."
  • : Extremely unlikely. Similar to the real-world idiom "when hell freezes over."
  • : Extremely unlikely to happen. Similar to the real-world idiom "when hell freezes over."
  • : Extremely unlikely. Similar to the real-world phrase "when pigs fly."
  • : Phrase used by Mama the Hutt to indicate that something would never happen. Similar to the real-world phrase "when pigs fly."
  • : Extremely unlikely. Similar to the real-world phrase "when pigs fly."
  • : Used as an intensifer, e.g. "Where the stang was Kenobi?"
  • : Armor crew slang for stormtroopers.
  • : Slang for Imperial stormtroopers.
  • : Slang for being frightened. "It gives me the whingeing jimmies."
  • : A term for something that costs more to maintain than it's worth.
  • : Slang for clone trooper.
  • : Elrood sector derisive slang term for stormtroopers.
  • : Roughly translates to "Who pissed you off?" Said mainly to droids. Similar to the real-world rude slang term "piss in (one's) cereal."
  • : Used as an intenisifer, e.g. "Who the stang are you?"
  • or : A futile search. Similar to the real-world phrase "wild-goose chase."
  • : See .
  • : When Javis Tyrr was sent on a fruitless search at the Indigo Tower, Tahiri Veila referred to the operation as a "wild goose". An abbreviated version of the real-world idiom "wild-goose chase."
  • : See .
  • : A term used by Jolli to describe Han Solo, apparently referring to his tendency to make sarcastic remarks.
  • : Slang term commonly used by Invid pilots, in reference to the BTL Y-wing starfighter.
  • : A phrase used by Crimson Jack, apparently meaning "being at a disadvantage" or "being in a bad situation."
  • : Juvenile equivalent to "cool" (i.e. "that's so wizard, Ani"). Also used as a derogatory term for Jedi Knights by individuals such as Owen Lars. Real-world word for a man who practices sorcery; and informal adjective (mainly British) meaning "superb, outstanding."
  • : Scared, afraid; used by Deliah Blue.
  • : Having a bad day. Similar to the real-world idiom "get up on the wrong side of the bed."
  • : A term for a baby Ewok.
  • : Worthless. Similar to the real-world idiom "not worth a hill of beans."
  • : Short for Wookiee.
  • : Deal-slang for rendering an enemy harmless by use of excessive force, like a Wookiee would do.
  • : Expletive used on Simpla-12.
  • : A contemptible person. Real-world noun.
  • : Slang term for a droid that worried too much.


  • : The galaxy's most widespread greeting hailing from pre-Corellian times, and deemed insulting by Ugnaughts.
  • : A venomous Yuuzhan Vong curse.
  • : A Gamorrean derogatory word.
  • : A battle cry used by Han Solo.
  • : Equivalent to "You'll find my boot up your rear end" or "I'll kick your ass."
  • : A negative evaluation of a person's sanity. (The reply: "All musicians are thermal.")
  • or : "Use a Bigger Hammer"; slang used by builders and mechanics.
  • : Another term for child, often used by the Jedi.
  • : Slang term for lover or girlfriend. Also used as an adjective to refer to someone physically attractive.

