The Jedi Order maintained many star-charts which showed the location of legendary Force vergences, though by the time of the Galactic Empire, many of the known vergence star-charts were clever fakes. Authentic star-charts that were recovered during the era were thousands of years old, rendering them nearly impossible to interpret.
During the Galactic Civil War, the Empire programmed Bledsoe's disease to carry among symptoms a "window-effect" in the afflicted's eyes (resembling stars in people's eyes), with an ocular scan to retrieve the window-effect's star charts. This was to act as a subtle means of supplying intel on Rebel bases to various Imperials so they could locate and take them out.
Hugo Bartyn managed to delete the coordinates of the Lamaro system from most star-charts.
- Planets of the Galaxy, Volume Two
- The Star Wars Planets Collection
- "Smugglers of the Outer Rim" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 5
- The DarkStryder Campaign
- "The Yard of Opportunity" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 8
- The Kathol Outback
- The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook
- Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook
- Tales of the Jedi Companion
- "Alien Encounters" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 13
- The Black Sands of Socorro
- Living Force Campaign Guide
- "Bartyn's Landing" — Star Wars Gamer 7
- Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: Prima's Official Strategy Guide
- Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide
- Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook
- Fly Casual
- Nexus of Power