Inspired by the Cartoon Network's Clone Wars cartoons, this comic-book series uses the television show as a jumping-off point to tell new stories of heroism and villainy in the same stripped-down visual style.
Dexter Jettster
Braves the wilds of Dractu!
A Clone Trooper
Becomes a scavenger's cargo!
Quinlan Vos
Battles in the sewers of Coruscant!
Mace Windu
Discovers a lost city!
Incredible action, hot art, and lightning-fast pacing are coming your way in this exciting take on the Star Wars galaxy!
The battle for the fate of the galaxy is on, and you've got a front seat! The Clone Wars have spread to every corner of the Star Wars universe, bringing with it more death-defying Jedi rescues, more terrifying monster attacks, and more planet-shaking confrontations between armies of droids and clones! Featuring four new all-ages adventures, this volume is jam-packed with only the most awesome heroes and most dastardly villains locked in a conflict of epic proportions!