Star Wars: Darth Maul (Dark Horse)

Plot summary

Prior to the events of Star Wars Episode I, Darth Sidious ordered his loyal apprentice Darth Maul to strike down one of the most powerful organizations in the entire Galaxy: the Black Sun. Maul starts his hunt, slaying two on the nine vigos, forcing the others to meet with Alexi Garyn himself on Ralltiir, inside the impenetrable Black Sun Fortress. Soon the Dark Lord of the Sith reaches the planet and completes his mission with another violent massacre, killing all the remaining vigos, Alexi Garyn himself, and his bodyguard, the deadly Mighella. Once Maul performs his duties, it is later on that Prince Xizor takes command of Black Sun.

Behind the scenes

Maul's murdering of the Vigos is referenced in the Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith novelization, Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter, Darth Maul: Saboteur, and Darth Plagueis.

The Scimitar is given to Darth Maul for the first time during this episode. It is also the first time Maul uses its probe droids and its speeder bike.

One of the vigo's bodyguards resembles Quinlan Vos: he shows the same hair style and yellow facial tattoo.

