Star Wars (1998) 19

Publisher's summary

Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos has lost his memory! And the Devaronian, Villie, is playing him for a bet—out of the frying pan and into the fire—as deadly swoops, false Jedi, and a gambler are all trying to kill Quin! Can he survive without the knowledge that he is a Jedi? Only if he can let go and act on instinct!

Plot summary

Quinlan Vos awakens, with no memory of who or where he is. Worse yet, he has woken up in the middle of a blazing fire! As a group of bounty hunters converge on him, with weapons drawn, he is saved by a strange Devaronian named Vilmarh Grahrk. The Devaronian explains to Quin that there is a bet going on when the Jedi will die, and many bounty hunters are trying to fix the result. Villie steals a speeder from a "friend," and the two head for Villie's hideout, the bounty hunters still coming in full force. Upon returning to his hideout, Villie reveals that he had actually made a bet on the Jedi's head, and intends to kill him. After Quin disarms his would-be killer, a pair of fake Jedi bust in. Quin shoots one, and quickly dispatches the other with his companion's lightsaber. After explaining that he has placed a new bet on the Jedi's survival, Villie and Quin head for the starport.


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