Star Wars Insider 97 is the ninety-seventh issue of the Star Wars Insider magazine and the fifth issue to be published by Titan Magazines. It was released to US newsstands on October 23, 2007, and UK newsagents on October 25, 2007.
- Editor's Welcome
- Books: The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader
- Comics: Knights of the Old Republic #22-24
- Toys: Bricks, Biths, and Busts
- Star Wars Q&A
- Scouting the Galaxy
- International Collecting
- Set Piece: Kamino Platform
- Padawan's Corner
- Bantha Tracks
- The Indy Vault
- Comlink
- Luke & Leia
- "You're Hired" to be Darth Vader's Secret Apprentice!
- Pirates of the Board, Part V"
- Art Vader
- Com-Scan
- News Extra: The Art of Howard Chaykin