Star Wars Missions was a young-readers series and roleplaying game published by Scholastic beginning in September 1997. The series, developed by David Levithan, lasted for twenty adventure books, which were authored by Ryder Windham and Dave Wolverton. Scholastic introduced the Star Wars: Episode I Adventures game in September 1999 as a follow-up to Star Wars Missions.
Star Wars Missions originally shipped to subscribers in a black cardboard box featuring illustrations of the Rebel Alliance X-wing starfighter and the Imperial TIE fighter. This box contained a black Darth Vader carrying case, referred to as the Star Wars Missions Kit, which further contained the following items:
- 12 Star Wars Missions Team Cards
- 2 Star Wars Missions Dice, 6-sided and 12-sided
- Star Wars Missions Mission Guide
- Star Wars Missions Mission Log
- Star Wars Missions Scoring Pad
- First Star Wars Missions Blueprint
- Star Wars Missions 1: Assault on Yavin Four
- Star Wars Missions Membership Card
- Star Wars Kids (1997) 1