Following Star Wars: A New Hope, the struggling Rebellion has won their first major victory, giving them inspiration to continue the fight-but the war against the Empire is not even near its conclusion. In this omnibus collection, you'll find stories of your favorite classic-era characters, along with several new faces of the Rebellion: Luke is recognized as a Jedi General, and also the son of Anakin Skywalker, hero of the Clone Wars; a powerful crime lord leads the Empire, the Rebels, and his own spies in a circle of betrayal; the Rebellion faces a big challenge to bring about a small victory; Luke and Leia encounter an evil from the past when Darth Vader sets a trap for them on a deserted moon-all these stories and more!
- Empire 26
- Empire 27
- Empire 29
- Empire 30
- Empire 32
- Empire 33
- Empire 34
- Empire 35
- Star Wars: Rebellion 6: The Ahakista Gambit, Part 1
- Star Wars: Rebellion 7: The Ahakista Gambit, Part 2
- Star Wars: Rebellion 8: The Ahakista Gambit, Part 3
- Star Wars: Rebellion 9: The Ahakista Gambit, Part 4
- Star Wars: Rebellion 10: The Ahakista Gambit, Part 5
- Star Wars: Rebellion 11: Small Victories, Part 1
- Star Wars: Rebellion 12: Small Victories, Part 2
- Star Wars: Rebellion 13: Small Victories, Part 3
- Star Wars: Rebellion 14: Small Victories, Part 4
- Star Wars: Rebellion 15: Vector, Part 7
- Star Wars: Rebellion 16: Vector, Part 8
- A Valentine Story