Stellan (planet)

Pirates and enslavers from the worlds of Rodia and Tatooine consequently regularly visited Stellan's star system in order to rob or capture the exiled natives. One such Stellan outcast was Jeigh Esse, who instead joined a Rodian clan and became a bounty hunter.


Stellan was a terrestrial planet located in the Stellan system, deep within the Hunnoverrs sector in the Slice portion of the Outer Rim Territories.


Stellan was the homeworld of the species of the same name, including the bounty hunter Jeigh Esse.

Stellan was the homeworld of the species of the same name, including the bounty hunter Jeigh Esse.

Stellan was a secluded, fiercely isolationist world that had severed nearly all connections to the wider galaxy. For decades, pirates and enslavers from the nearby planets Rodia and Tatooine regularly visited Stellan's orbit. There, they robbed or captured the members of the native Stellan species, who had been exiled by the planet's ruling theocracy and launched into space aboard migration transports.

At one point, the sociopathic Stellan teenager Jeigh Esse, who had framed numerous other Stellan children for her own misdeeds—resulting in their exile from their homeworld—was herself sentenced to the same punishment, a fact that no Stellan on the planet regretted. As she was launched into space, the young girl laughed at her exile and vowed that the society on Stellan would one day succumb to the temptations of the local deity known as the Vain Goddess and burn as a result.

In Stellan's orbit, the vessel Esse was on was boarded by Rodian mercenaries, and the outcast soon learned of the fate of the other exiled Stellan. The girl, however, fought off her would-be captors and was eventually accepted into the Rodian Chattza Clan, going on to become a ruthless galactic bounty hunter.


Stellan was the homeworld of the sentient Stellan species. The Stellan society led a monastic way of life, and it was ruled by a theocratic priest-king. Stellan religious beliefs maintained that if they were to give in to the temptations of the Vain Goddess inciting individuals to bloodshed, the soul of Stellan would be lost.

In order to preserve the moral purity of the Stellan society and prevent that from happening, all Stellan children were intensely screened at a very early age, and if seen as potential threat to said purity, were declared ter-Stellan, or "Exiled Ones," along with criminals, individuals with mental disabilities deemed dangerous to others, and simply Stellan with overly aggressive natures. The ter-Stellan were then launched into Stellan's orbit aboard transport vessels, where their fate was left to the will of the Force.

Behind the scenes

Stellan was introduced in the article "The Not-So Magnificent Seven," authored by Greg Mitchell and published on September 4, 2013. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed the Stellan system, and therefore the planet, in grid square R-16.
