The Stromma species' Stromma diplomatic enclave was located at the border of the Black City on the Unknown Regions planet Quethold, the homeworld of the Quesoth species. At some point, Empire of the Hand stormtrooper Lhagva, a Stromma, stayed at the enclave for two years. In 8 ABY, Lhagva told Imperial Lieutenant Dramos Sanjin that he did not want the Quesoth to be destroyed by the Storm-hair warlord Nuso Esva, remarking that he was fond of the species and telling Sanjin of his stay at the Stromma diplomatic enclave.
The Stromma diplomatic enclave was mentioned in the 2011 novella Crisis of Faith, written by Timothy Zahn and published within the 20th Anniversary Edition of Zahn's 1991 novel Heir to the Empire.[1]
The Stromma diplomatic enclave was mentioned in the 2011 novella Crisis of Faith, written by Timothy Zahn and published within the 20th Anniversary Edition of Zahn's 1991 novel Heir to the Empire.[1]