Subjugation of Sinton

By 12 ABY, Sulamar, a low-level Imperial technician who falsely titled himself a general, regularly adorned his uniform with many medals from previous campaigns he claimed he had won. Sulamar constantly boasted of his military exploits—some nonexistent—which he alleged included the Subjugation of Sinton. In reality, Sulamar was but a career military failure.

The Subjugation of Sinton was first mentioned in the 1995 novel Darksaber, written by Kevin J. Anderson. The character Imperial General Sulamar brags of his military exploits, which include the Subjugation of Sinton, throughout the story until he is eventually exposed as a fraud, leaving in doubt whether he was involved in the event—and, indeed, whether that event even occurred at all. The Subjugation of Sinton was later mentioned, and thereby established as factual, on the "Lieutenant Commander Ardan" card as part of the 1997 Dagobah Limited expansion set of the Decipher, Inc. Star Wars Customizable Card Game.

Behind the scenes

The Subjugation of Sinton was first mentioned in the 1995 novel Darksaber, written by Kevin J. Anderson. The character Imperial General Sulamar brags of his military exploits, which include the Subjugation of Sinton, throughout the story until he is eventually exposed as a fraud, leaving in doubt whether he was involved in the event—and, indeed, whether that event even occurred at all. The Subjugation of Sinton was later mentioned, and thereby established as factual, on the "Lieutenant Commander Ardan" card as part of the 1997 Dagobah Limited expansion set of the Decipher, Inc. Star Wars Customizable Card Game.




