Subjugator (Star Destroyer)

The Subjugator was a Star Destroyer in the Imperial Navy during the Galactic Civil War. In 4 ABY, the ship was part of the Imperial fleet over the moon of Endor, defending the Empire's battle station, the second Death Star. At that time, the Death Star and its fleet were attacked by the Rebel Alliance, who intended to destroy the station. During the battle, the rebel Corona Squadron struck against the Subjugator and TIE fighter pilots inadvertently allowed a rebel to inflict damage on it, causing Imperial Commander Ciena Ree to angrily order her fellow pilots to cover the vessel's engines.

The battle was later lost after the rebels destroyed the station, although the Subjugator survived. Following the battle, the TIE pilot Nash Windrider was posted aboard the ship, where he rarely heard from his friend Ciena Ree. Windrider had left the craft before the Battle of Jakku of 5 ABY, to serve as the flight commander on Ree's Imperial-class Star Destroyer Inflictor.

The Subjugator was mentioned in the 2015 young-adult novel Lost Stars, by Claudia Gray. It then appeared in 2021's The Odyssey of Star Wars: An Epic Poem, a poetic adaptation of the original trilogy by Jack Mitchell.

Behind the scenes

The Subjugator was mentioned in the 2015 young-adult novel Lost Stars, by Claudia Gray. It then appeared in 2021's The Odyssey of Star Wars: An Epic Poem, a poetic adaptation of the original trilogy by Jack Mitchell.









