Suttirat Anne Larlarb was the costume designer for the Obi-Wan Kenobi television series. She joined the project after speaking with director Deborah Chow. She designed costumes for the Third Sister, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, Kayo Organa, members of the Hidden Path, and Krystina Arielle.
Larlarb is known for being the costume designer for several films and series, including American Gods, No Time to Die, Gemini Man, Slumdog Millionaire, and Ten Thousand Saints.
Suttirat Anne Larlarb first watched the Star Wars films when she was a kid. She studied painting in college and wanted to go into fine arts. She had one design class which stimulated her interest because it included drawing and fashion and incorporated art history, anthropology, and psychology. After graduating, Larlarb began in the entertainment industry as an art director, but she also wanted to design costumes.
When Larlarb first met Deborah Chow, the director of the Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, Chow liked how Larlarb talked about culture and history as it relates to costume. The director added that Larlarb's approach to the show American Gods would be very similar to Obi-Wan Kenobi uncovering all of the cultural stones necessary to create the worlds seen in the series. Larlarb was then hired as the series' costume designer. Her team had boards in the costume department that focused on footwear, belts, insignia, or closures. After Larlarb did research, she and her team understood what felt like Star Wars and what didn't. She felt that they had to be responsible to the existing culture, but also create something new because the series is between the prequels and the original trilogy. To organize the process, she compiled reference boards of screenshots from the two trilogies and split them into groups based on several descriptors. Larlarb and her team defined the cultural, climate, and action requirements for each planet and scene in the series.
The Third Sister's costume worn by actress Moses Ingram was one of the first costumes that Larlarb attended to. Every single piece started out as sketches from Larlarb, which went to costume illustrator Darell Fuentes, and then it received more technical drawings. The workshop made the costume pieces feel like a second skin to Ingram. Ingram's costume was mostly black on black, so it was broken up with some textural differences. Stacia Lang, an assistant costume desginer and Larlarb's helper, oversaw the build of the costume. The costume made Ingram stand in a certain way, and she felt bold and strong.
Larlarb also designed the costumes for Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader. She wanted to make Kenobi recognizable to fans, but his costume needed to show that he's a Jedi in hiding. For the story to make sense, Kenobi needed to match other residents of Tatooine by wearing clothes of simple construction and in readily available colors. A "woady" blue top was added to contrast with the shades of brown, beige, and cream associated with the Jedi. Larlarb also designed the costumes for Kayo Organa, members of the Hidden Path, and Krystina Arielle, who cameoed as a partisan fighter. In July, 2022, her Kenobi and Vader costumes were displayed at the Lucasfilm Pavilion at San Diego Comic Con.