Syndulla residence


Located on the Outer Rim planet Ryloth, the Syndulla residence was the home of the Syndulla clan. Found in a region known as the Tann Province, the home was constructed inside of a large mountain that appeared to rise and tower above the surrounding desert plains. The front entrance opened into a large, open courtyard, the stone base of which was inlaid with an elaborate circular pattern. The courtyard was surrounded by a solid stone wall with vertical stone posts situated at intervals along its length. Entry into the courtyard space was accessed via two arches along the wall, each of which was flanked by a pair of barred windows. The wreckage of a Republic Y-wing starfighter sat in the courtyard some distance away from the gates.

The home's exterior facade featured two balconies, the lower of which was supported by brown square-shaped columns, and this design was replicated along the balcony railings as low stone posts. Along each balcony, an intricately-carved design was visible from the outside. Atop a small flight of seven steps, the main entrance was a set of brown sliding doors underneath an archway.

Inside the Syndulla residence, the main entry room was an open rectangular space with a central area that was set two steps lower into the floor. The floor's design was geometrically segmented into squares of ornamentation. A pair of brown sliding doors were set across the room, on axis with the entry doors, and the room was symmetrical across this axis. Both doors were flanked by tall potted plants, and several slender columns were situated around the room's perimeter. Two sets of four tall screens bordered the lower area of the room, and they emitted a soft blue light which was diffused onto nearby surfaces. Aside from this, the space was dimly lit by overhead lights from the tall ceiling.










