
Six Six disliked the barbaric way that his master treated droids, so he secretly became a contact for the droid information broker Switch and would send him information.

When a team of Alderaanian Resistance fighters arrived at Darga's palace on Cato Neimoidia, the Hutt called over Six Six so that he could translate for them. Around this time Six Six had been monitoring the palace's communications and noticed that was someone was secretly sending messages to the Galactic Empire while Darga slept. Six Six sent these on to Switch, but the information broker was unable to decrypt them. Switch had done business with the Alderaanians before, so he had TC-663 give them copies of the messages for free, as he hoped that they would be able to decrypt them and share the information with TC-663.


Six Six disliked the barbaric way that his master treated droids, so he secretly became a contact for the droid information broker Switch and would send him information.

When a team of Alderaanian Resistance fighters arrived at Darga's palace on Cato Neimoidia, the Hutt called over Six Six so that he could translate for them. Around this time Six Six had been monitoring the palace's communications and noticed that was someone was secretly sending messages to the Galactic Empire while Darga slept. Six Six sent these on to Switch, but the information broker was unable to decrypt them. Switch had done business with the Alderaanians before, so he had TC-663 give them copies of the messages for free, as he hoped that they would be able to decrypt them and share the information with TC-663.



