Talk: Rhylet

i came to this article pretty randomly and found a typo (2 periods).. Then i got confused by the positive three of any kind when none of the examples used any kind of positive three. i think i edited the text to say what you meant, and i hope it's easier to understand. However, if you say The lower integer won (three 2s beat three 6s), do you actually mean the lower integer, or the integer closer to zero (that is, the lower absolute value)? For example, if Han had +2, +2, +2, -3, -3, and Lando had -4, -4, -4, +6, +6, Lando had a lower integer (-4), but Han had an integer closer to zero (+2)... So who won?

i chose to refer to pairs and trios to reduce confusion with cards worth 2 or 3, but also specified their having the same value because even though pair implies equal value in (for example) poker or go fish, i haven't heard three of a kind called a trio that way. Also, compare a pair of smugglers or a trio of pilots--they could be totally different from each other and still be called a pair or a trio. 10:47, 10 December 2021 (UTC)
