
Tammuz-an was first introduced in the current Star Wars canon in the galactic map of 2016 Fantasy Flight Games' roleplaying game boxed set Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game. The planet Tammuz-an was originally introduced in the Star Wars Legends continuity in "The Lost Prince," an episode of the TV series Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO which aired in 1985.

Behind the scenes

Tammuz-an was first introduced in the current Star Wars canon in the galactic map of 2016 Fantasy Flight Games' roleplaying game boxed set Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game. The planet Tammuz-an was originally introduced in the Star Wars Legends continuity in "The Lost Prince," an episode of the TV series Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO which aired in 1985.

