Tanivos Exantor Divo's father

A Coruscanti man was the father of the human Tanivos Exantor Divo, who was born on Level 3215 of the planet Coruscant during the reign of the Galactic Republic. Divo spent his childhood growing up in the Gavas-Eclat neighborhood of Level 3215 where he watched criminal thugs use fear to extort his father out of his hard-earned credits.

This hardened the man's son and instilled a rigid sense of justice and fairness in Divo that led to him earning a scholarship to the Federal District Police Academy at the age of sixteen. Divo's grandson, Exantor Divo, mentioned his great-grandfather in Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious, a book he published in 34 ABY.

Tanivos Exantor Divo's father was mentioned in the 2018 reference book Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious, which was written by Pablo Hidalgo.

Behind the scenes

Tanivos Exantor Divo's father was mentioned in the 2018 reference book Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious, which was written by Pablo Hidalgo.


  • Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious
