Tanthior (Hammerhead-class)

The Tanthior was a Hammerhead-class cruiser in service to the Galactic Republic during the war with Zakuul.


At some point during the Zakuulan Eternal Empire's conquest of the galaxy, the Tanthior was sent to join a Republic fleet in a counter-attack against the Zakuulans' advance. However, the rendezvous point had been compromised and the ship was damaged en route, resulting in the loss of part of its forward hull and causing injuries to the crew. This, combined with dwindling fuel and supplies caused unrest which led to a mutiny. The crew seized the galley and the armory, and the original captain was overthrown. The new "captain" then sold the ship to the Hutts. Some time later, the stolen warship would be used to transport wild beasts. During one such trip, the faulty hull repair caused at least one of the beasts to escape, killing the crew and causing to ship to crash-land on the planet Onderon, where it would remain. At some point during the third Galactic War, the ship's wreckage was discovered, and the Eternal Alliance's commander would later recover the ship's logs.

Behind the scenes

The Tanthior appears as the subject of the repayable side mission "Combing the Wreckage" in the Onslaught expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic. In it, the player recovers the ship's logs. It is the game's first appearance of a Hammerhead-class cruiser that was in service within the game's timeframe, with the only other Hammerhead seen at the time, the Endar Spire, having crashed over three centuries prior to the events of the game. However, several Hammerheads appear in service in the novel The Old Republic: Annihilation, set during the Galactic War. Ships of this class also appeared later in the comic Knight Errant: Aflame 2, as well as the novel Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, both set over 2,500 years later, supporting continuous use.

References to the damaged hull section were likely due to an error pointed out to creative director Charles Boyd on twitter, where it was noted the ship had two top halves. He also stated the ship likely had a modified armament.



