
Tava, also known as the sleepwalking drug, was a non-lethal aerosol found in the Chiss Ascendancy. It caused beings who inhaled it to become confused and disoriented. The Chiss Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo, core name "Thrawn," used the drug to incapacitate members of the Vak Combine and Nikardun Destiny nations, on and above the Unknown Regions planet of Primea respectively.


Tava, also known as the sleepwalking drug, was an aerosol that caused beings who inhaled it to become disoriented and confused—although the effects lasted no more than an hour and could be combated using nostril filters. Upon release, the initial scent was of honey, then changed to burnt-sugar, and then to fresh leather.


Although it was not deadly, tava could be used as an armament and could be used to incapacitate individuals, dull their senses, and cloud their thoughts. A small canister of the drug was enough to fill the cockpit of a Vak patrol boat.


Senior Captain Thrawn (pictured) used tava mist on the crew of a Vak fighter he sought to commandeer.

Senior Captain Thrawn (pictured) used tava mist on the crew of a Vak fighter he sought to commandeer.

At some point, the students at one of the schools where the Chiss Mitth'ali'astov, core name "Thalias," studied enjoyed disrupting their classes by releasing tava. In 19 BBY, Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo "Thrawn," used the sleepwalking drug to incapacitate the crew of a patrol boat he planned to commandeer from a spaceport on the Unknown Regions Vak Combine nation planet of Primea.

Weeks later, the Nikardun General Yiv captured Thalias and the sky-walker navigator Che'ri and brought them to his flagship, the Nikardun Battle Dreadnought Deathless. Thalias had a canister of tava in her belt buckle, but the Nikardun general had found and confiscated it. However, Thrawn had retrofitted the two women's makeup to contain the sleepwalking drug, allowing them to release it at an opportune moment—causing Yiv and the bridge officers to become disoriented and allowing Thrawn to rescue them.

Behind the scenes

Tava appeared in the 2020 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, the first installment of Timothy Zahn's Star Wars: The Ascendancy Trilogy.






