Taxation Without Federation


Taxation Without Federation was a propaganda poster composed by Ganamey Davloterra, the art director of weekly newstack Chrono. The artwork was commissioned as a Core-edition insert in a weekend issue of HoloNet News, a news agency.

The poster depicted Lok Durd, a fat Neimoidian, holding a Duros mask. In the image's foreground was a pile of credit chips superimposed by the red text "Taxation Without Federation" written in the Aurebesh script. In the poster's background was the golden-and-blue symbol of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a union of systems that wanted to leave the Galactic Republic, patterned in a web. The poster also had an orange border.


The poster criticized the Trade Federation (logo pictured).

The poster criticized the Trade Federation (logo pictured).

Taxation Without Federation was created as a response to the trade and shipping conglomerate Trade Federation's continued taxation of trade routes. Neimoidian spin doctors found the image offensive, claiming it was a blatantly racist campaign and a play on the fat Neimoidian stereotype. Shortly after the Hosnian Cataclysm of 34 ABY, the book A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy—a work about the usage of propaganda—was released and contained information detailing the Taxation Without Federation poster. Physical and digital unauthorized reproductions were spread throughout the Mid Rim Territories by infocache nodes and printed adversclicks.

Behind the scenes

Taxation Without Federation was created by Joe Corroney as one of the propaganda posters published in the 2016 reference book Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy, written by Pablo Hidalgo. The poster was inspired by the American revolutionary slogan "No taxation without representation."


  • Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy
