Taypho was created by Christophe Debien and Patrick Bousquet for the ambiguously canon roleplaying scenario "La Légende des Cristaux" which appeared in the French magazine Casus Belli 76. It was illustrated by Igor Chevalier and Cyrille Daujean.
While no indication is given considering its location, the article said that Taypho is away from the "great corellian hyperlanes". The Corellian Run and the Corellian Trade Spine were two major hyperoutes.
Taypho was created by Christophe Debien and Patrick Bousquet for the ambiguously canon roleplaying scenario "La Légende des Cristaux" which appeared in the French magazine Casus Belli 76. It was illustrated by Igor Chevalier and Cyrille Daujean.
While no indication is given considering its location, the article said that Taypho is away from the "great corellian hyperlanes". The Corellian Run and the Corellian Trade Spine were two major hyperoutes.