Team two


Team two was comprised of six clone stormtroopers equipped with standard-issue Phase II clone trooper armor. While the majority of the troopers in the fire team were equipped with DC-15A blaster carbines, at least one trooper carried a BT X-42 heavy flame projector and several wore backpacks containing Thermal Detonators and droid poppers. They were very efficient at fighting Battle droids and close quarters combat and made quick work of the Reprogrammed droids on Defending the stronghold on Desix.


The troopers of team two were deployed to the planet of Desix along with the rest of their squad in a Nu-class attack/transport shuttle. As the shuttle approached the stronghold of the Desix Separatist holdout, it was shot down by rocket fire from reprogrammed B1 battle droids and an AAT tank, crashing in Sector Five of the stronghold's farmlands. Though Several of the clone stormtroopers perished in the crash and a few injured troopers stayed behind at the crash site , Commander "Cody", clone commando and sharpshooter "Crosshair", and several other clones including members of team two, recovered and begun their attack on the Separatist fortress,

After battling through dozens of defending droids and using Ascension cables too scale the compounds gate, Commander Cody divided his forces to cover more ground, and ordered team two to storm the stronghold's south access point. Team Two encountered a multilayered defense inside the compound consisting of several B1 Battle droids and at least two Droidekas Which were quickly promptly destroyed. At one point in the assault the T-series tactical droid watches as Team two employs a Thermal detonator ripping apart the defenders. As Cody and Crosshair confronted Tawni Ames, who held Governor Grotton at gunpoint, team two mopped up the remaining defending battle droids. Team two does not appear to take any casualties during their assault on Stronghold. After Grotton had been rescued, with Ames shot dead by Crosshair and the stronghold conquered, Cody, Crosshair, and the surviving members of Cody's squad extracted off-world in the same Nu-class attack/transport shuttle Grotton and his TK Stormtroopers previously arrived on as more Imperial forces arrived to occupy the planet.



