Tee Va

Arrival on Mandalore

The Moogans and Gotal arrive on Mandalore

The Moogans and Gotal arrive on Mandalore

Tee Va, a male Moogan smuggler from the Commerce Guild-controlled world of Mooga, operated a black market smuggling ring during the Clone Wars. Va's ring was once tasked with diluting tea with slabin, a diluting agent, in Mandalore's capital city of Sundari. Tee Va, plus his Moogan and Gotal compatriots, arrived in the docks and were greeted by a customs official that questioned Va, as the arrival of their starship was not in his schedule. Va bribed the official with Galactic Republic credit ingots, as he explained that all of the other customs officials were off observing a parade welcoming Senator Padmé Amidala. The official then informed Va that the next time he arrived, he would have to deal with him directly.

Mixing tea with slabin

Va and the rest of the smugglers eventually set up shop in a warehouse on the docks, guarded by members of the Mandalorian secret service. Inside, Va ordered a Mandalorian man to mix the slabin with Ardees Beverage tea in order to get twice the tea at twice the profit. When asked if the slabin was toxic, Va responded by saying it was only toxic if the dosage was incorrect. The man then began the mixture of the tea and slabin.

In the evening, Va and his cronies returned, bribing the customs official again, but unbeknownst to them Senator Amidala and Duchess Satine Kryze were watching with a member of the Mandalorian Protectors.

Attack on the warehouse

The smuggling ring defends the warehouse

The smuggling ring defends the warehouse

Some time after the second shipment of tea arrived on Mandalore, the warehouse at the Sundari docks was attacked by members of the Mandalorian Guard, led by Captain Patrok Ru-Saxon, Kryze, and Amidala. Va defended the warehouse with a blaster, but ultimately Va, members of his smuggling ring, and the workers at the warehouse were all taken into custody by the police. Kryze then ordered the captain to burn down the warehouse.

The Zygerrian slave auction

Va, having somehow escaped Mandalorian custody, was later present at the on the planet Zygerria, homeworld of the Zygerrian species. Va was at the Zygerrian slave market standing next to the Muun InterGalactic Banking Clan representative Nix Card, observing the auction.

Return to Mandalore

Va eventually returned to Mandalore, now under the control of the Shadow Collective, to continue smuggling, ordering other Moogans to move crates as Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived aboard the freighter Twilight. Va briefly looked over when there was scuffling aboard the freighter, but quickly turned back and continued to move the shipping containers.

Behind the scenes

Tee Va first appeared, albeit unidentified, in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series episode titled "Corruption" and was voiced by Dee Bradley Baker. Va was identified in the Episode Guide that went along with the episode.


  • Star Wars: Galactic Atlas
  • Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia
  • Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles
  • Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle!












